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Why am I still here?

All the exits lead to the same hell

When will I save myself?

I seem to be falling in the same checkered land

I know the way out

But I'm tied with steel chains

I want to break free

It's funny though

Because I'm writing this

While burning

This hell will definitely lead me to the real hell

There is no salvation in sitting around waiting for a saviour

You be your own salvation

You save yourself

Or you be damned to hell for eternity

That's one rule of the universe

We always talk about people giving us their hand and saving us

But in fact, they're only giving us a boost

We're the ones who are saving ourselves

The other funny thing is,

I know all of this shit

Yet I can't move an inch of my soul

It seems stuck in place

I don't know if I should give up or find another way

I just don't know anymore

Can someone please boost me up?

Before I'm completely burning forever?

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