Caribbean Werewolf Prologue

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Listen to the music and look at the pictures i put on each chapter... It really helps... oh and... VOTE! it would make my day <3<3<3  :) the cover on the side was made by KeelyNyx so if you need book covers give her a shout out!



*The dialogue in the prologue is in the native language of my beautiful little island home.. Spanglish hehe (All of it) it's mostly supposed to be in spanish but.. that wouldn't quite work if the rest of the chapters are in english.. you'll find out why soon(;*

(San Juan, Puerto Rico)

"Why do these things always happen to me?" Mariana said to her best friend Selena sadly.

Selena patted her shoulder reassuringly, "Come on don't be sad about it... Mariana, he's an asshole. I know you're gonna forget him soon. Why don't you just walk with me, I'll buy you an ice cream at the Ben & Jerry's in Old San Juan. Mom's taking me there after school."

Mariana sighed, "No..." she answered. She was used to guys behaving this way around her, what had her feeling this way was something else she didn't know how to tell Selena, who had been her best friend since they were in diapers.

Selena widened her eyes in surprise, "You don't wanna go to Ben & Jerry's?"

"No, I mean this is not about him." She sighed. "I mean every time I crush on somebody he turns out to be a jerk... and well, you know I've never mattered to any of those guys."

"Mariana that's not true. That's just bad luck because you're beautiful and everybody tells you... sooo..  stop being modest chica! Ah hell no you're not giving me that look!" She stopped pretending to be a mad black woman when she noticed Mariana's expression.. Her BFFwas serious. Selena quickly rearranged her features and she was again the worried best friend, "I know there's a bunch of guys who would love to be with you." 

"I don't think so, and that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh... What is it then?"

Mariana paused for a long time not knowing what to say untill she finally managed an "I'm going."

Selena was taken aback...  "You're going?... You're going where?"

"I'm moving to California."

Sel's eyes widened in surprise, "What?! You CAN'T! California's too far away! I can't afford long distance calls!"...Mariana didn't answer. She just looked at her feet sadly.

"At least tell me why? Why are you leaving? Is it because of the bad luck thing because I think--"  

Mariana cut her off, "It's because of my dad. He got a really nice job directing a movie there. We have to move..."

Serena looked pissed, but it was that funny pissed look Mariana always laughed at "Well... don't go with him!"

"It's not that simple! We're all going, ma and pa and me! ...and.." Mariana replied, she then looked at her feet again almost embarassed, "maybe I'll have better luck there.... I can start a new life... I don't really like it here...." She made it sound like she meant PR, but she meant the school.. I'll have to mess with her mind again, Mariana thought, ugh i hate myself.  She kept doing those things by accident but she knew she had to do it this time so Selena wouldn't feel so bad about her leaving the friggin country.. "I'll fit in over there.. don't worry about me." She put a special emphasis on those words that se would have rather not used, and then to make herself feel better she thought, at least what i said is true. She would fit in... she looked the part. Her skin was pale white compared to most of the kids in P.R. who were all sun kissed... and her eyes were light green. Her hair was straight and dark which was normal, but her friends always said she looked kinda gringo, which is what they called people from the U.S.

Selena never noticed Mariana's internal battle so she managed a kinda cheerful tone when she was actually really sad... she didn't know why though... "Yeah, you'll have lots of better luck... but here. In Puerto Rico. You'll see! Just please don't go. What am I gonna do without my best friend?" She jokingly made her best pouty face. 

"Oh please, you have lots of other friends to choose from." Mariana got the urge to laugh even though she felt like crying as Selena kept up the sad puppy face act, pouting her lips even more and quivering them. "Selena, It's done. I'm leaving after graduation." She was referring to her eight grade graduation, which they didn't do at most schools.

"BUT THAT'S TOMORROW!" Their conversation was cut short by the school bell, and both girls hurried to their classrooms. "This is not over!" Selena yelled as she walked away.

Mariana turned and walked in the opposite direction, almost ran.. Run away like you always do and don't look back! She kept repeating in her mind.. Having internal conversations was almost second nature to her because her mind processes were so fast, it was almost subconcious..  What kept distracting her was the thought of moving away from her beloved little island... and then before she knew it she'd bumped into someone and dropped her books. She muttered an apology as she bent down to pick them up, and then she looked at the person she'd bumped into. It was a boy. A really cute boy she'd never seen before. A really, REALLY cute boy she'd never seen before.

He bent down to help her with her books. "Don't worry about it... happens to me all the time, but I suggest you pay more attention to what you're doing next time. Wouldn't want you to end up hurting yourself." He smiled sweetly. He had such a dazzling smile. His pearly white teeth contrasted against his typical tan, latino skin, and his eyes smiled at her too... They were green and bright, and also contrasted beautifully with his dark skin.

Mariana swooned a little bit, but quickly composed herself. "Yeah, thanks. I'll remember that next time."

His bright eyes gazed into her, confused, "I've never seen you before. My name's Jack." he held out his hand, expecting her to shake it and introduce herself but instead she said, "And I don't think you'll ever see me again, bye Jack." And with that she turned around and walked away. He yelled after her, "But at least tell me your name!" But she was gone. Jack stood there, baffled. Not only at the way she ignored him (which wasn't the way girls usually acted toward him), but also at her smell. She smelled different. Her smell was good... really good... but not exactly... human.

Caribbean Werewolf (on hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora