But.......... how?

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“Tell me something” I said. “How did I get here?”

I was still confused to how I got to his house.

After I had told him my story he frowned and I had thought it was because of the fact that he let a girl who was a reason to why a teacher died, and because I was kept prisoner for over 3 months. But it turned out that he had frowned because Jenna, Ludwig and Eric killed my parents and tortured me.

“Teleport” he answered without hesitation.

“Ah teleport” I said. “Wait teleport?! How can you teleport? Is there even such a thing as teleportation?!” He grinned, apparently satisfied that I had asked. “Of course teleport exists! How did you actually think that during war, the soldiers tell their captains? Teleporting. How did you think that people kidnap or rob houses so quickly and then PUFF they disappear? Teleportation obviously.”

Okay is he serious?! I thought. “I won’t believe it till I actually see it” I said making it pretty clear that I didn’t believe him.

He took his phone out from his jean pocket and then showed it to me. “1:00 a.m” he said. I arched one of my eyebrows-the left one because that was the only one I knew how to raise on its own- to show him that I had no idea why he told me the time. For an answer he took my hand and the second I blinked I found myself in a bedroom.

He showed me his phone again. “1:01 a.m” he said. “I brought you up here in teleportation and it only took a minute. It could’ve took seconds but you know how time flies by right?” he asked with the same grin still glued on his face.

“It would have taken a few seconds to climb the stairs” I challenged. “ You could have simply knocked me out with a punch, then drug me with something that I couldn’t remember the last minute, then take me up here, rearrange your phone to the time you want, and when I wake up you would rub it in my face that it was teleporting”.

You might actually think, wow she has one hell of an imagination. But since that’s what they have done to me- you know, Jenna, Eric and Ludwig- after they brought me to their underground place s that I wouldn’t remember the way, it would be a great theory to use against someone.

Hayden looked at me with wide eyes and open mouth. He actually looked amused!

He knelt down on one knee; you know how males usually do when they’re gonna propose, bowed his head and then said “I swear to you Charmian that I would never lie. So please believe me. I don’t ever show people what I am like, or even tell them who I am and show them little of what I do, but I showed you, so please don’t call me a liar.”

I stood silent for some minutes looking at Hayden’s dirty blonde hair, and at his position.

“Wow” I said. “I never called you a liar, I just said that I don’t believe you actually teleported me here. Though I was kidnapped by 3 daemons ……”I emphasized the word ‘was’ then said “so I guess there’s nothing more absurd than that. I probably should believe it,” then I looked at the position of his body and rested my palms on his elbows “now get up!” I said it in a desperate confused way and all he did was look up at me with those pair of shining green eyes and frowned.

He was probably right to look at me in that way. I mean who was I to tell him what to do? He was the owner of the house wasn’t he? I was his guest wasn’t I? He was being super nice to me, and I was being all I don’t believe you and ordering him around.

But I was what he said that actually amused me “I’m sorry I actually upset you. I thought the least I could do was try to be a gentleman after what happened to you. That’s what we used to do in my age.”

Hayden was still on his knee so I pulled him up slowly. “I didn’t….. I didn’t know. I’m sorry” I said softly as I looked towards the ground.

He placed his index finger under my chin and tilted it up so that I’d be looking at him. He was smiling and that made me smile.

“How old are you?” I asked him curiously.

“22” Hayden answered softly.

“In your days, which are also my days, boys didn’t just lean on their knees and apologize in that way. They just said I’m sorry and they’re done”

“I was born in 1899, and in those days we had major respect for women. Especially the ones who are higher than us in classes.”

“Excuse me?” I asked confused. Did he just say 1899?

“Yes I’m immortal if you’re thinking about the date I just gave you. I have proof and pictures. Just in case you don’t believe me” he said smirking.

“No….. no I do believe you. It’s just that I’m not of a higher class. And I’m still trying to digest every word you told me. Teleportation, 1899, immortal……” my voice trailed off and then Hayden said sweetly “I’ll give you a break from all of this. I’m sorry it came all out at once just in one night, especially afer the run you had. And I’m glad you believe me. I’ll tell you things in detail tomorrow if you like. Now sleep ‘cause I think you’re pretty tired.”

It was then that I realized how right it was, and before thinking I walked to the bed and collapsed on top of it. Everything turned dark and I knew that I was going through the tunnel of dreams.

One that I haven’t been to in a long while……

Run!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora