She was right, and he knew it. He had said so himself when he spoke to Tyrion and Cersei. It seemed that most, himself included, forgot about Anari when it came to marriage. She was of age, and she had the name. "Done," Tywin agreed. Anari nodded in return, though her gaze didn't soften. "All of this could have been avoided had your brother bent the knee."

"A wolf does not kneel before a lion," Anari replied. Tywin's gaze hardened slightly at her bold statement. To her credit, Anari didn't back down as he stared at her. Not many could withstand his intense gaze, and Tywin found it interesting that she could.

Satisfied that she had at least done something, Anari turned to leave. However, she kept her head high and her shoulders back as she did so. Showing any sign of weakness would make her vulnerable, and Anari didn't want to be vulnerable in front of a man like Tywin Lannister.

"Your devotion to your sister will be your downfall," Tywin said before she could leave. Pausing at the door, Anari turned back to face him. "By fighting her battles now, you will be fighting them forever."

"That may be," Anari admitted. "But until then, I will defend her until my last breath. If I must take a hundred beatings or marry a thousand men, nothing will stop me from keeping her safe," her gaze intensified as she stared right back at him. "I suggest you remember this, Lord Tywin. I will do anything for my sister, and if that includes fighting, then so be it."

Without waiting for his response, Anari left his office and closed the door behind her. It was a bold move to threaten him; however, Anari couldn't help herself. She had to show him that she wasn't afraid of him. There was nothing he could say or do that would warrant a reaction.

Anari walked to her chambers, ensuring she kept her head up the entire way. It wasn't until she went to her room and closed the door that she dropped her head and let out a deep sigh. Her heart was hammering in her chest as adrenaline coursed through her body.

She had faced off with Tywin Lannister and won.

While he was still getting what he wanted, Anari was able to sway him to change his mind about marrying Sansa off. From the stories she was told, Tywin was a hard man, and rarely did he change his mind once it was made. However, Anari also sighed because she had just signed herself away to marry.

Anari was getting married, and she was quite sure how she felt about it.


The next day, Anari sought out Lord Varys. She had to try to do this, and there was no one else around that she thought would help her. It was so simple, yet she knew it wouldn't be sent out had she gone to Maester Pycelle. "Lord Varys," she said when she saw him walking.

"Lady Anari," Varys smiled. "It has been quite some time since we last spoke. I hope you are well, I hear you are to be married soon." He pitied the girl and her situation. He had tried so hard to ensure that the girls would somehow get out of King's Landing and actually be somewhere safe.

However, he had made a mistake, and the girls had to pay the price for it.

"Yes," Anari nodded. "I'm doing well, all things considered. I was wondering if you could do me a favor," she said lowly, glancing around the hall they were in for anyone else.

"And what might that be?" Varys questioned. Anari took out a small scroll and gave it to him.

"This is for my brother and mother," she said quietly. "I know they can't come to the wedding, but I want them to know. Is there any way you can get this message to them?" Anari wanted her mother to know that her oldest daughter was getting married, and she wanted Robb to know as well.

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