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Ohhhh Millieeeeeee

What's up

It was the last day of our final exams today

I know. We just gave it

You know what that means?

No more high school?

Bingo!! Let's celebrate
Meet me in the cafeteria, would you?


[to shay]

Cafeteria. Now.

I'm already here

Find Vince and sit with him then

Millie get your ass here already Shay's with me from the past 5 minutes

And he's boringgggg.

No Shay's the boring one.

Shut up doofus.

Alright. Geez, I'll be there no need to spam me


"So. What are we celebrating kiddos?"

"The end of our school life. Duh."

"And this."

"What's in the packet Vince?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"She would find that out anyway, you idiot."

"Shut up dildo, don't ruin this."

"Guys don't fight please you kn- woah woah what?"

"Do you like it?"

"Its a photo journal of us."

"I know Millie."


"Millicent Winthrop, since you like being subtle about everything, I decided to give you this photo journal to remind you of our good times. It was either this or me dancing to Classic right now in the cafeteria. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that I really like you and I want us to be together. So-"


"Seriously Shay?!! Can't you be quiet even for two seconds?"

"But this is so - ughh I can't"

"Shouldn't I be the one crying?"

"I'm just so happy! This little fucker is finally doing it! My best friend is going to get her perfect boyfriend, finallyyyy. How can I not be crying?"

"Stop being so dramatic for god's sake! Let the guy be fully romantic. He's been practicing, okay?"

"Wait. You knew about this?"

"Of course I did. You can't hide anything from me, you know."

"So you know about the cake as well?"


"Dang it. Anyway, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Wasn't I already your girlfriend?"

"Cuddling on a stinky hospital bed isn't exactly my idea of officially asking you out or being romantic so nope."

"Alright, then. I will be your girlfriend, you annoying piece of shit. Can we eat the cake now?"

"You're super non cliché babe, I like it."

"Eww don't babe me. Anyway, let's goooo the cake isn't going to eat itself."

"You're right Millie, the crying got me real hungry."

"Ugh girls, why are you like this?"

"Shut up!"

"Okay. Okay. But just for this once."

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