Chapter Seventeen

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"Is she?" Varys questioned back. "Is her sister?"

"Her sister, not really," Olenna admitted. "But Anari? I think you know the answer to that," she smirked. "A young woman like her doesn't come across anyone's path often. So brave, so strong, so fierce, yet so fragile. Of course, she's an interesting girl."

"Yes," Varys nodded. "She is, rather."

"And she's had an interesting life so far, especially since coming to this city," Olenna added.

"She has, sadly," Varys agreed. "Well, forgive me for wasting your time, then. I thought we shared certain hopes for her well-being."

"Come, come," Olenna said, stopping him from leaving. "You surrender rather easily. Walk with me," she said as she stood. "I know the walls have ears, but apparently the shrubbery does, too."

As they took a turn about the gardens, their conversation finally came to a head. "I choose my allies carefully and my enemies more carefully still," Varys said.

"Which is Sansa Stark?"

"Neither," Varys replied. "A babe in the woods, her sister on the other hand," he mused. "Lady Anari has shown she can very well play this game. I would like to think that in time I could count her as an ally." He concluded. "I admired their father."

"Yes, Ned Stark had many admirers," Olenna agreed. They continued to speak before pausing on one of the paths. "It almost feels as if you're about to arrive at the point."

"Littlefinger is not long for the capital," Varys said. "A confidant of mine has told me that when he goes, Anari and Sansa Stark go with him."

"And why have you come to me with this matter?" Olenna questioned.

"Littlefinger was born with no lands, no wealth, no armies," Varys began. "He has acquired the first two, how long before he has an army?" He questioned which caused Olenna to laugh. "Perhaps you'll laugh, but I know him better than most and this is the truth," he said seriously. "Littlefinger is one of the most dangerous men in Westeros. If Robb Stark falls, Anari Stark is the key to the North."

"And if Littlefinger marries her, he'll have the key in his pocket," Olenna nodded, finally seeing what he was getting at. It made sense; it would be a smart move to make, certainly.

"Which seems such a shame," Varys nodded in return. "Why should a man with such a low reputation steal away such a lovely bride?"

"You must despise him," Olenna smirked. "You're working so hard to undermine him."

"Actually, I rather enjoy him," Varys admitted. "But he would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes."

"You are a clever man, Lord Varys,"

"You are too kind," Varys smiled. "I believe I have a possible solution."

"One does not have to be clever for that," she replied as they continued walking. "It's all rather obvious, isn't it?"


Days later, Anari sat with Sansa and Margaery as they watched Ser Loras spar. It was a good plan, risky, but good. In order to get the girls out of King's Landing, Lady Olenna thought of the idea of marrying one of the girls to Loras. Their place would be at Highgarden if everything was planned correctly.

Originally, of course, the offer was made for Anari to be the one to marry Loras. However, taking in the dreamy and happy look on Sansa's face at the idea of marrying Loras, Anari declined the offer for herself. Sansa deserved happiness, and while Loras did not prefer the company of women, Anari knew he wasn't cruel.

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