Chapter Eight [Part 2/3]: New Arrangements

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"I don't think Nicodemus is waiting to see if Kate returns when Rin does." As she spoke, her half deformed mouth quivered, more so on the side that drooped down from the burns.

"I don't think he's waiting for Rin either." I murmured low, trying not to look her in the eyes. But peripheral vision is a bitch when you wish to avoid seeing panic and pain.  I tried to focus it on Nicodemus, who passed us on the way to start gathering occupants together. The least affected and those not so easily distressed, to begin with. His muscles had stiffened at my words, but he acted as if his ears had not picked up on them.

Molly shivered back, staring after him, too. "Why wouldn't he wait for Rin?" The strain in her voice enough to make me regret suggesting it to her.

What violet light there was in the hall flicked out as Nicodemus turned them off. Molly automatically searched me out in the dark, unable to see for a moment, until she dug into her dress pocket and pulled out night vision glasses for occasions such as this.

"I think we should concentrate on getting people ready to leave." I put my hand on her shoulder, guiding her down the hall. Hopefully the work would keep both our minds busy. Because I didn't like the answer to the question either.

Geoff appeared along the hall, his most recent read tucked under his arm. "My, my, what an improvement." He took a long, deep inhalation, "darkness falls in the halls and I can finally see."

"Speak for yourself, I hate living like a mole." Molly crossed her arms, stepping away from me. "It was dark enough to begin with."

"Says she who has never seen the light. I saw it, it was dreadfully overrated." Geoff rolled his wide, cat like eyes with a heavy sigh.

"As is everything in your opinion. Death is a boring eventuality, life a tedious task. I'd rather look on the bright side and feel something instead of nothing at all." Molly's mind was forever on the bright side, even on her more delicate days. She was an innocent, but not one to be pushed around. She was not a killer, and thus not only was her being tossed out amongst the unwanted to cover up the reasons for her being given a new agonising life, but because she could not make herself a valuable asset. She was always just too... normal. Butchered in form, but not in being.

           * * *

The van loaded up, everyone secure inside. Molly and I were just waiting for Nicodemus to be done rigging up the elevator and whatever else he intended to blow up to ensure that as little of our being here was left behind. Knowing him, nothing would happen until long after we'd vacated the premises. Assuming this whole thing was pre-emptive. He wasn't one to give people an early tip-off to our actions.

When we shut the door on the inside of the garage and pressed in a key-code Molly left me to get into the front of the truck. Not that it was a good idea, but there was no stopping her, especially as she was stubbornly concerned about the others having room in the back. As it was they were all sat on the mattresses from the beds upstairs. No other comforts or safety measures. I could still hear some of them wailing through the sound proofed metal. Mostly routine wailing, still it was disconcerting to listen to.

I approached Nicodemus where he lingered by the door. "How long did you have this move cooked up?" I glanced back at the van as the passenger side door clipped shut. Molly safely out of ear shot.

"Since we heard the name Firethorn." He brought his dull grey eyes up to me.

"We, so the fact you're leaving before Rin's back means she also knew exactly what was going to happen when she walked out of here with Kate?" My hands balled at my sides, teeth set on edge. "I can assume she made it clear she may not be coming back. But, what is it she may not be coming back from Garner?"

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