Saved Natalie

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Short Story (1)

This is all fictional, Its just my Imagination running wild, It's a Really Short Story... And I don't know if it is any good, but It felt good at the time I was writing it... Thank you for reading I appreciate it*.

In a Small town named Duns-inane with tiny houses, a school and some shops lived a girl named Natalie Smith. She was fourteen years old when she was taken from her parents and brought here to an old apartment with not much room and a grumpy old couple who only sat around on the porch all day. They looked at her like she did not belong to them and she did not fit in at all.

Natalie knew they were her grandparents and she was brought to them after her parents were sent to jail for murdering her older brother. She never fitted in at school, because they knew what had happened to her parents and as they were scared of her, but this never bothered her, because she liked being alone. She took care of herself and worked three jobs by the time that she was fifteen. She worked at the school, the Cafe and the local market on Sundays. This was fun for her well being and kept her busy, it kept her from doing things she knows she always regrets later.

She was never happy with her life in Duns-inane, but she knew she had to stay strong for herself. She always told herself that she would get out of there one day.

On her eighteenth birthday, Natalie was ready to leave the town and all its memories behind. She packed her bags, walked past the grumpy old couple and to the bus station. She got on the bus and got on a train at the next station. She stayed on it through the night and by morning they reached central London.

Natalie's savings got her a small apartment near the train station in west London. She was happy there and got a job at the local newspaper. She wrote daily fantasy articles on page 6 of the "The London Gazette". She was so happy to finally start her life on her own.

The first few years were hard for her, she still struggled with friends and not having any family around made it lonely.

By the time Natalie turned twenty-three she was living in a penthouse among the high buildings in central London, working as an Editor for Vogue magazine. She made her life a success and was proud of what she accomplished, but she knew she had to go back to the one place where she still needed closure...

As she stood with flowers in her had in front of Daniel Smith's grave stone, knowing that if he did not protect her from her mother's knife she would not be standing there today.


Sorry Guys this Is Not really good, but this was like a short dream I had and I remember waking up in the middle of the night being so confused, as what I was dreaming felt real.... I might delete it.. It just felt good writing/typing it down...

Thanks For Reading


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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