Summer knows

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I went back to school hoping nobody would ask me questions but I was wrong summer came up to me and started asking me tons of questions. So can you answer any of them just one . Fine come with me . We went to the girls bathroom. It's all true but I couldn't bring myself to tell you guys I didn't want to loose your trust . Aww frankie you can never loose our trust is there anything else I don't know about . Other than the fact that babe saved my life by making my body work again and how my technikly my father killed me for a few minutes and I couldn't come to school because I was in a coma and coughing up blood  . and A ghost has a crush on me and I possibly might feel the same way and that I've been living with ghosts most of my life and still am also I am teaching Freddy skate boarding and kale officially hates me and is trying to get me back because Freddy came to see me but other than that no anyways sum DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS IM TRuSTING YOU WITh THE BIGGEST SECRET OF MY LIFE EVEN BIGGER THAN THE SECRET THAT WERE SCHOOL OF ROCK SO PLEASE SUM IM BEGGING YOU. Okay Frankie if it means that much to you . Thanks sum let's go .okay . We walked to the classroom and Jammed out for the rest of the time . Okay time for lunch.So Tamika why were you out for the last 2 weeks. VACATION!! . We're did you go. I went to New Orleans to visit my mom and sister. Cool what's your sisters name . Samantha samantha young .Okay so did you hang out with any of your old friends . Na not really because they were all busy. Okay so ... what did you do there . I went to the beach helped my mom out with her bakery

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