Chapter Two

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Darra woke up at eleven and typed an email, saying that he was taking a vacation for a little while. He ordered a train ticket to Sussex and ordered a cab to the train station. Darra put his laptop and bundle of chargers in his backpack and slung his bag over his shoulder. He grabbed his suitcase and his brown leather jacket with old patches on it.

In the cab, he looked out the mirror to see the blur of lights from the stores and neon signs. He was leaving to find freedom, he had longed for it for so long. When he got to the station, it was pouring outside. Darra got his things and walked into the station as the clock struck twelve. At the corner of his eye, he saw the woman in the red beret who had her yellow backpack at her side. She was sitting down reading a turquoise book. Darra walked towards the bench and sat down next to her. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and got his train ticket out. His train was supposed to come at twelve-thirty. He looked at the cover of the book in the woman's hands and read the title. It was in fancy gold script: Wickhaven. Darra looked back at the clock and realized he would be there for a while.

"How's the book?" He asked the woman. "My name is Darra, sorry that I interrupted you."

"The book is very interesting. I am Ala and I don't mind interruptions. Where are you heading?"

"Sussex; I am looking for something."

"And might what that be?"

"Adventure; freedom."

"That makes sense. I always read about people going on adventures but i haven't explored much. I am actually going to Sussex too. For art, it is supposed to be beautiful. This is a really crazy question, considering we are complete strangers. But I did meet you early when I bumped into you, would you want to go on an adventure with me?"

"How do I know you aren't going to kill me?" Darra said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, you could kill me too. But you don't seem like a person who is capable of murder and neither to I. And on the train ride, you can ask me any questions you want. I don't have anything to hide."

"Alright then, sounds like a plan. So why do you want to go on an adventure with a complete stranger?"

"My life is very boring and I hate boring. I need at least one memory to last a lifetime, this seems like the beginning of one."

The train rolled into the station and Ala and Darra grabbed their things and headed onto the empty train. They sat down across from each other and Ala placed her book on the table between them. She smiled and her eyes glowed, her curly brown hair flowed down her face. Darra was very tired and he laid his head down on the table. Ala took her phone out of her coat pocket and put her earbuds, until she fell asleep listening to music.

Darra felt a warm light on his face and he sat up. He rubbed his eyes open and saw the beautiful countryside. It was early out, around three in the morning. Ala was still asleep when the overhead said they were about to arrive in the station. Darra poked her arm and Ala woke up. She looked up at him and then outside.

"It's beautiful," she spoke softly.

"We are almost to the Sussex stop."

"Okay," she packed her book into her backpack. And pulled out a bag of chocolates. Ala placed one in front of Darra and he thanked her.

"Thanks for the best breakfast ever," he smiled.

"You are so welcome," she unwrapped the chocolate and ate it. They got all there things ready and the train stopped at the Sussex stop. The two travellers got off and stood on the train station.

Ala turned to Darra and spoke, "Where are we going to go? Everything's closed."

"It's an adventure, right? So we go where our feet take us." He placed his hand out and she took it. They walked down the steps and into the quiet town. All the shops were closed and the only thing they could hear was the whistle of the wind chimes in front of some of the buildings. Darra started to walk faster and Ala joined, they began to run down the cobble road. Ala could smell the sea and feel the sea breeze, they looked down the road to see the sea. Vibrant blue waters, it all seemed like a dream to Darra. They walked to the seaside and Ala began to take her doc martens and socks off and she dipped her feet into the cold water. She smiled at Darra, she was so happy; Ala bent down a bit and waved her hands in the water creating small ripples. She cupped her hands and splashed water onto Darra. He looked shocked at first but then splashed her with water. He took his shoes and socks off and joined her in the water.

Darra could hear the angelic laughs of Ala and it made him laugh. It was the first time he had laughed in a long time. Ala looked up at the sky as the sun rose and put her arms up reaching to the clouds. Darra walked back to the sandy beachside and layed down in the sand. He was exhausted, he heard Ala sit down beside him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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