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as ryan walked down the hall to alex's room he debated turning back. he'd turned back for the last two nights but tonight he wanted to spend time with alex, tonight he'd stop being so dramatic and just do it.

chloe said he had a crush on the curly haired boy but ryan told her it's just because she'd never seen him be friends with someone, even though it maybe, might have been a tiny little crush. but ryan didn't want to ruin finally having someone that didn't jump to conclusions with him, didn't assume the bad things that happened were his fault (even though most of the time it was ryan's doing) alex was different from every person he'd ever met and ryan wanted alex to stay. instead of pushing him away he wanted alex to stay. like really really wanted.

as ryan hovered his hand over the door handle of the older boys door he realised it may have been a little bit of a bigger crush than he originally thought. he was about to turn around. chicken out again. but it seemed fate had other ideas.

alex's door swung open and the two boys just stood there looking at each other.

"ryan" alex spoke after s few seconds of staring, voice raspy. "what-"

"i-" ryan stopped trying to think of a reason to be there at three in the morning. "do you- can- i was-"

ryan stumbling over his words was something he only did in alex's presence, always making alex smirk and himself blush.

"are you okay?" alex was more awake now, and he spoke quietly with an amused tone.

"um... do you- do you want to go.... downstairs... and um.." ryan was glad how dark it was, it felt like his face was burning off because of how embarrassed he was. "eat with me- eat food with- with me.... downstairs...."

alex laughed slightly over how cute ryan was when he panicked before agreeing, he was heading downstairs anyway.


alex placed a bowl of cereal in front of a flustered ryan before turning to fill two glasses with juice.

"sorry about waking you up, wait- i didn't wake you up- why were you up- are you okay?" ryan seemed genuinely concerned as he put his spoon down.

"i'm fine" alex smiled sadly as he stood on the opposite side of the breakfast bar, picking some cereal up with the abandoned spoon and holding it to ryan's mouth. "just a bad dream, nothing i'm not used too. promise"

"bad dream?" ryan dropped some milk he had in his mouth then rushed to swallow what was left. "how bad? do you wanna talk about it"

ryan looked at alex with wide eyes. the sort of look in them that alex could only explain as innocent. ryan wasn't innocent.

"no, it's okay" alex said with an amused smile. "what about you? why are you awake this late? why were you at my door?"

ryan's breath hitched and he looked down as he went red.

"i don't know... just y'know going downstairs.... for- for a drink..." ryan stayed looking at his bowl of practically untouched cereal.

"my room is the wrong way" alex said slowly. "the other way from the stairs" alex presses slightly.

ryan shrugged and took a drink, looking anywhere but at the other boy. alex sighed.

"c'mon" alex said after dumping the rest of the cereal in the sink. "walk with me"

ryan watched as alex picked up both of their drinks and walked into the lounge. ryan stared where the other boy walked for a few moments before snapping to his senses and nearly falling out of his chair as he tried to stand up.

alex was sat on one of the sofas, swirling a cup of juice around, waiting for ryan to stumble in. which judging by the noises from the kitchen would be happening soon.

"sorry" ryan said as he stumbled through the door, tripping over his own feet and nearly falling on his face.

alex shook his head, amused at ryan's clumsiness. he knew ryan was only like this with him. he'd seen ryan interact with other people and it was like he was a completely different person. ryan was always so toxic when it came to anyone but him and chloe. alex promised himself he'd ask why ryan was like that another time.

"careful" alex put his glass down and held his arm out wearily for ryan to steady himself with.

they both sighed as ryan sat down, not letting go of alex's arm. ryan was ridiculously tired, but he wanted to stay awake and spend more time with alex.

"we should go back to bed" alex mused, noticing how ryan could barley keep his eyes open as he lent into alex's arm.

"no" ryan said sleepily "stay with you"

alex's heart skipped a beat and he stiffened slightly, shocked at the younger boys words.

"okay" he replied, not thinking straight.

"i wasn't really getting a drink" ryan said against alex's neck. "i wanted you. wanted to see you."

silence covered the room so ryan continued in his sleepy haze.

"i tried last night... and the night before... but i chickened out. i probably would have again if you didn't open the door..."

they were laid down now, ryan cuddled into alex's chest listening to his uneven heartbeat as he confessed.

alex was smiling like an idiot as he stroked ryan's hair.

"instead of classing this as a moment." ryan started as he drifted off. "can we say it's our first date?"

alex couldn't breathe. ryan was so much more confident when he was half asleep.

"okay" alex said softly, but ryan was asleep.

alex didn't care who found them in the morning, he was just happy he could embarrass ryan by telling him his confession, and even more happy about ryan liking him back.


wow it's been a hot minute
    since i've updated and i'm
     really sorry about that.
     my phone broke and i
     just got really lazy lmao.
                — hannah

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