We sat there for quite some time and I ate far too many crêpes. I hoped I would still be able to eat something tonight at my surprise party.

The hardest part for me was to pretend that I didn't know anything.

After a long story on how her mother caught her father when he cheated on her, Harry came back, grinning mischievously.

"I'm sorry but I really have to interrupt your little get-together. Zoey and I still have some plans," Harry smiled apologetically at Jade.

I eyed the small bandage peeking out of Harry's neckline. So he really did get another tattoo. I lost count at around 42 tattoos and simply started calling him "the inky man."

We bid our farewells as soon as I promised Jade to get in contact again soon.

"Did it hurt?" I asked him once we were safely inside his car.

Harry shook his head, a smile plastered on his face. "I'm used to it by now. The tattoo on my abdomen was kind of hurtful, even though I'm used to getting inked."

I grinned to myself. The tattoo on his v-line had to be one of my favorites, simply because I liked the reaction I received whenever I traced it with my fingertips.

My hands reached for the sun shade and clapped it down, and I examined myself in the small mirror attached.

My make-up was, fortunately, still on point. The curls in my now chest-long and dark blonde hair have faded a bit and now it hang loosely in waves, the way I actually preferred my hair.

I tugged at my red tank top and eyed my dark blue skinny jeans suspiciously. The color was lighter than usually thanks to all the washings the pair had endured.

Yep, I was ready for my 'surprise' party.

Harry kept up small talk the whole way, but once we reached the Cherry Street, he shut up. From the distance I could tell that there weren't any cars parked in front of my parents' house – therefor more cars than usually framed the street.

"Looks like no one's home," Harry told me while parking the car in front of our garage.

He made sure that I would walk in first. Well, he always let me do anything first, just because he was a gentleman.

I took a deep breath in, preparing myself to act surprised.

The front door squeaked and I grimaced. The noise was annoying, maybe I should butter it.

The hallway was empty but a little commotion could be heard from the living room. I casually walked in – and was welcomed by pitch-black darkness.

All of a sudden, bright light blinded me and a loud chorus of "Surprise" momentarily deafened me.

"Oh my god," I cheered, opening my eyes and looking at my family members and closest friends.

They all approached me and hugged me individually, mumbling their happy birthdays into my ear while holding me inhumanly tight.

George knocked me off my feet and spun me around, going in circles. I felt dizzy and light-headed but didn't complain.

I appreciated my friends more than anything. Theresa and Niall were busy in a corner and Meredith made gagging noises while watching them which, in return, caused Phoebe to burst out laughing.

Harry was quietly talking to Adrian. My sister's boyfriend caught my gaze and winked. He knew it was thanks to him and Phoebe that I met Harry. I was more than grateful.

The next construction area was mission 'Lisa and Mason.' Our sweet Mason was silently sipping at a cup of beer, watching Lisa when he thought no one was looking.

Perilous (Harry Styles)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora