Me: Yea' sure. Ian got nun goin on den.

Brian: Sweetie translate that for us.

I chuckled as Kalani spoke to her dad.

Kalani: He said he's free tomorrow.

Genevieve: Great! We will pick you up tomorrow.

Kalani: Wait, I have work tomorrow. I just told you that

Genevieve: And I told you, I will-

Kalani: And how because your not driving my car mom. I'm taking it to the shop tonight anyways.

Genevieve: Oh I rented one for the time being. A Buick Lacrosse, 2018 of course.

Kalani: Okay then, but I get off tomorrow at two.

Genevieve: And I will pick you up after your shift. Just bring a change of clothes and get changed after your shift.

She sighed and crossed her arms.

Kalani: Okay. So when do you get the rental?

Genevieve: After we leave from here.

Kalani: And how would you get there?

Genevieve: You.

Kalani: Oh and when were you going to tell me?

Genevieve: When we left, when else.

Kalani sighed and didn't say a word after that.

Brian: So..uh what time should Lucas be ready?

Genevieve: Well, Kalani gets off work at two and who knows how long it's going to take to get to her, plus she has to change clothes so-

Kalani: Why don't you just pick him up first then come to me?

Genevieve: Yes, we can do that. 

Brian looked at me as his wife stopped talking.

Brian: I would just be ready by one-thirty.

Me: Bet-okay.

I forgot Brian wasn't with the "slang" these days, just like pops.

Genevieve: Okay kids, go play or something.

Kalani sighed and walked inside the house, I chuckled and followed behind her. 

Me: You good?

Kalani: If good is being ready to kill my mother and bury her body in the woods, then I'm perfect.

I chuckled and leaned beside her on the counter.

Me: Calm down, babygirl.

Kalani: I will, after I murder her.

Me: Na, no murderin people. Aigh'?

Kalani: Why? It's not like I don't got the bail money.

I licked my lips.

Me: Cause you got a squeaky clean record, you'nt needa fuck it up.

Eva since we been togetha, I've always made sho' she stayed outta trouble. I was in 'nough trouble fa tha both of us. 

Kalani: You always made sure I was good.

Me: Cause you a good girl.

Kalani: Yeah true.

Amber came inside of the kitchen with Olivia.

Me: Wassup?

Amber of course glared at Kalani as she came and wrapped her arms around me.

Amber: Olivia and I are ready to leave.

I basically wrapped my arms around the back of Amber's neck.

Me: What bout er'body else?

Olivia: Eva said she didn't mind staying a bit longer. Dillyn said he's going back for seconds and Willie said he's staying too.

Me: Aigh' well jus' come back and get us.

Amber: Your not coming with us?

Me: Na. Ian seen my gramps in a minute, so imma chill here fa a bit longa.

She sighed. 

Amber: Okay, guess we'll stay.

Me: Na, yall ready to go. Go shoppin or sumn.

Olivia: I mean it really would make any sense for the two of us to leave and waste gas.

Me: All of us got money to replace that shit.

Amber: I wish you were coming babe.

Me: I know.

I leaned down and kissed her. 

Olivia: Aren't they cute?

And now I knew what they were doing?

Me: Man get off me with that shit.

I unwrapped myself from Amber as she faked a confused look.

Amber: Lucas what the hell are you doing?

Me: Na, Ian wit that shit. Get that shit away from me. 

Olivia: Lucas, your acting weird.

Me: Na, yall tryna make Kalani jealous.

Kalani: Why would they do that?

Me: You'on kno' dem like I do. Amber's jealous and Olivia's ha bestfriend.

I walked out of the kitchen and back to where Eva was with Dillyn and Willie.

Dillyn: You lookin mad, bro. 

Me: Na, I'm good.

Kalani | Kitchen

I looked at Amber and Olivia who stood there looking at me.

Me: Well, are ya gonna leave or not.

Olivia snickered and walked out. 

Amber: Be careful around Lucas, he's not what he seems.

Me: Sweetie, I know Lucas better than anyone. Let me ask you something, do you know his fears?

That question stumped her which made me smirk.

Me: Didn't think so.

Amber: He doesn't have any fears.

Me: Oh, is that what he told you, hun?

I decided to cut this conversation short and walk out before she said anything else.

- - -

Chapter 14

Forgotten // L. ColyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang