When You Finally Meet Your Pair

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A/N:So this is also like.Noat also,almost like my other fan fic.The difference is that it's a harry styles' fan fic and I hope u'd love it 'cause this is really dedicated to me.haha!The characters here like my dad's name is real as well as my Aunt,Uncle,Cousins and everyone.Message  me about my stories.Good or Bad messages are acceptable.But please avoid bad ones.:)

I'd like to hear what you think 'bout my works:)

Chapter 1:

BEEP!BEEP!BEEP! My Phone ringed under my pillow.

Ugh! I thought.I'm not an eraly person.Today's my first day on my new school in a new state.In short everything's new.I'm now going to live and study in London.

I get up and go to my bathroom to take a shower.I eat breakfast and my Aunt Michelle and Uncle Marvin a kiss on the cheek and a goodbye hug to my 3 cousins.I know you're all surprised that I live with my relatives and not with my family.Well,my real family is in the Philippines.Yes,I'm a filipino and I don't have any problem with that,except that that country is a Narnia..Anyway,I need to get my car in the garage and go to my school.'UNIVERSITY OF LONDON',here I come.

                                                                     *    *    *

I reach my school without any accidents.I walk to the secretary's office to ask for my schedule.

"Uhm.Excuse me?I'm Erika Fetalvo and I'm here to get my schedule."I said politely.

"Here you go,darling.Be careful with the girls out there."I don't know what she's saying but i just nodded,flashed her a nice smile and walk away.Now my next mission is to find my locker no.241.Finding the locker would be hard so I used the map.As I was reading the map I bump into something.Or was it supposed to be someone?Everything that I was holding fell on the ground so I bend and get it.A pair of hands,big hands stopped me.I finally look at the mystery guy.OMG!What the?! HARRY FUCKING STYLES IS IN FRONT OF ME,PICKING MY THINGS.'Stop,fangirling,Erika.That's not nice,you'll just scare him.'I thought as he hand me my books and the map with my schedule.

"I'm so sorry.I'm not looking on the way."He said

"It's okay.I'm also not looking on the way.I'm trying to find my locker."

"What no. is it?I can help you."He offered.

"It's no.241.And thanks for the help Mr.Styles."

"Just call me Harry or Hazza."Then he look at me and i think I saw that he feels like he know me."You're new here,aren't you?"He asked.


"You just look a little familiar.I think I saw you on someone's phone six  years ago."There's a long pause."Yeah!I saw you on Ben's phone.And he's stalking you on Twitter.But that's six years ago. So,that's been a long time."

"Oww!"Is the most intelligent answer that I can think of.He stop walking and so do I.

"We're here."He announced.

"Anyway,why are you here,though?Are you going to continue studying?"I asked.

"No.It's Eleanor.She want to have a major in mass communication and major in Photography.Photography is her night class."He simply said.

"So I think we'll have the same classes.'cause I'm also taking mass communication and photography"I smile at him.

"Really?"he asked surprised."Anyawy,can I have your phone no. and I'll peek you up at 5 after your class.Just wait for me here.Or in the parking lot".

"Sure."I said as I hand him my phone.And after that we walk our seperate ways after saying goodbye.

                                                        *    *   *

I find my first class which is French without another encounter to the famous Harry Styles.The thing that I'm excited with is Eleanor who'll obviously have all of her subjects with me.I'm just going to wait for her.

I'm trying to find a seat when I saw a glimpse of Eleanors hair.Yeah!I know her hair.Who wouldn't,right?I settle beside her. 

"Hey.I'm Erika and you're Eleanor,aren't you?"I asked.

"Yeah.Are you also new here.'Cause i feel so awkward talking to some old students."

"Yeah.I am a new student.Actually,I just came to London  last week."

"Oh.Good.I hate talking to some of the old students here.I feel left out."

"I know how you feel.Is Louis here with you,anyway?"

"No.He just left with Harry but I'll meet the boys later at 5."

"Really?'Cause awhile ago I met Harry and he said he's going to fetch me later at 5.The thing is I don't know we're we'll be going."

"Then,we're just going to McDonalds 'cause that's the most near here then Ben and his brother and sister and Gemma would be there.It feels like a bonding."She said.

"I'm left out."

"You wouldn't be.And that's for sure.I'm there and Danielle and Perrie and also Gemma who's with her cousin Ella. "

                                                             *     *    *

After class,Eleanor and I walk together to the parking lot.Guess what happens next?You're right!The boys of One Direction are there.They're inside the limo..

"I think here they are." Eleanor whispered to my ears.

"Yeah. I think so too." i giggled.

We entered the limo just to see 5 active boys jumping up and down like 5 pimpong balls.

"Hey guys!" me and eleanor both greeted them at the same time.

A/N:This chapter is now finish,:)There on the right is the lyrics video of the 1st single of harry styles cousin's band,he is ben selley and his band is called concept,Hope u enjoy,VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE:)


When You Finally Meet Your Pair:A Harry Styles Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now