"Honestly, Kendall, you need to tell them to- to- fudge off. Because... you ain't got time to deal with their negativity." I sang and Kendall and I laugh.

"I'm really glad I'm here, celebrating this milestone that you've achieved. It's crazy." She said softly. "We were just two ordinary girls that lived in Denver, Colorado. Now, we're here, in LA. I'm not really that one that's doing the great things though." She nudged my shoulder and I smiled widely.

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't push me to sing in the competition in the first place. Its technically all because of you, Kends."

"Oh, don't give me all the credit." Kendall laughed. Her attention then diverted to something and I turned my head to see what it was.

A waitress was coming in with a cake. Wait, a cake? He put down the cake on the table and on it said, "Congratulations to the Why Don't We boys and Thalia for the release of the album!" My smile grew wider as I read the handwritten message.

"I wanted to give you guys a treat." David spoke.

"Thank you, David. This is awesome." Jack said, staring at the cake. "You are the best manager ever!"

Zach took out his phone and started filming the cake. Then, pointing it to David. "Get yourself a manager as cool as David. He gets us cake! How awesome is that!?"

"This is so thoughtful, David. Thank you so much." I said, smiling at him.

"Eat up everyone! Get a piece before Zach devours the whole cake." David laughed. We all looked at Zach, who was already eating a huge slice, and joined it on the laughing.

As we were eating the cake, I was talking to Daniel, discussing some stuff. I could notice Aspen eyeing me weirdly, but she had a smug look on her face. Daniel received a call and excused himself, telling me it was his Mom. I was left, only a chair in between Aspen and I, though she sat in the chair next to me and I was merely confused.

"So, Thalia." She started. "Congratulations on the album!"

"Uh, thanks Aspen. I appreciate you saying that." I smiled at her.

She leaned on the table and reached to grab the water jug, but she knocked the plate of cake I had and it landed straight on my dress. I gasped and my eyes went wide as she spilled the jug of water on me.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" She apologised, though it did not sound anywhere near genuine.

"It's okay." I said, standing up. "I'll be right back."

I quickly made my way to the bathroom, hoping to clean the mess that Aspen 'accidentally' made.

I grabbed a bunch of napkins and wiped off the frosting that was on my dress. I took some water, hoping it would make it better. I groaned as it made the stain worse.

"Stop trying to fix it, it's already ruined." A voice said and I looked up, looking into the mirror and seeing the face I hoped to never see again. Blair.

I turned around quickly and stepped back, leaning on the counter of the sinks.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, as I let out a shaky breath.

"Hello to you too, cousin." She smirked. "Didn't think I'd see you anymore. I missed you."

"Why are you in LA?" I asked again.

"No, no, no. Stop with the questions, Thalia. You know why I'm here." She stepped closer to me, making me flinch. "I want what's mine."

The bathroom door then opened and my head turned to the noise. It was a boy, a boy around my age and I remembered who he was. It was Lucas, he was the football captain at school. What the hell was he doing here?

Blair laughed as he stepped closer to us. "I have a little present for you, Lucas." She then looked at me and he smirked.

He took both of my hands and put them around his waist. He pulled me close and smashed our lips together. I tried to push him off, but it was no use. He pinned me to the wall and started kissing me even harder. His hands roamed my body, touching me everywhere.

I felt so uncomfortable, so scared. I could hear the laughter of Blair. Soon, she was gone. It was only him and I in the bathroom. I tried to get away. I tried to scream. He only put his hand over my mouth. Warm tears went down my face as he started kissing me on the neck.

Lucas put his hands under my dress, making me scream louder for help.

"Shut up, Thalia. We both know you want this." He whispered in my ear.

Soon, I was naked, on the bathroom floor as he touched me inappropriately. He was undressed too and he did it... he forced me into doing it with him. Soon, he was gone and I was on the cold bathroom floor with tears still streaming down my face. I wrapped my arms around my body as I crawled into a ball.

Here I was, feeling like I wanted to die. I was just raped. Worst of all, Blair caused this to happen. My own cousin just stood there, laughing as I was being sexually assaulted my another man. I felt disgusting. I didn't know what I was going to do.

AN: it was so hard for me to write this chapter. sexual assault is such a big thing right now and those women and men that were sexually assaulted didn't deserve what they got. it is truly disgusting how people can act this way. if you were a victim of sexual assault, please tell someone. you are strong and you will get through this. no one should be treated like this, ever.

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