~Chapter Two~

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My heart started to beat faster and faster, and my grip on the barre became slippery as I was waiting to show the dance teachers my routine. The girl with the narrow face who was quite tall slipped and fell just before, earning disapproving looks from the dancers and the teachers. Danielle seemed to be enjoying the performances, applauding each dancer loudly as she finished. As soon as they called me out to go next, I became more nervous than I originally thought I was. I took a deep breath, calming myself. I knew I couldn’t stuff up, I needed this position more than I needed most things. It would give me an opportunity to do what I love while earning money- every single day. To say this was a job from heaven was a perfect statement.

As the music came to a finish, the girl in front of me curtseyed and ran off to the side to join the other 4 dancers at the side. I was the second last girl to perform. I stepped into the middle of the room and my heart was pounding out of my chest. I felt my head throb and sweat starting to form around my neck. The initial music starts up and as I hear the 8th beat of the intro, I start my routine. I picture Daisy performing each step before and I mimic her as I dance, doing each step with accuracy. I don’t dare look up at the teachers’ faces because I knew they would be one of the biggest off-putters, apart from looking at the other girls.

That’s what makes you beau-ti-ful’  The music came to an end and a beat of sweat rolled down my forehead. The teachers all clapped as I followed the other girls’ paths to the left side of the room. As the last girl tried to do her performance, I reviewed my own quickly in my head. I say she tried to perform because she slipped and fell several times and couldn’t pull off a few of the moves that Daisy had.

As the last performance ended, the teachers immediately formed a circle and exchanged scores. I bit my lip to the point where it nearly broke the skin and bled. I look down and from the corner of my eye, I see the other girls doing the same. It was only until Irdina cleared her throat and caught our attention it was then I noticed all three of them had quite big smiles on their faces. That was when I realized the clipboards were gathered in the corner, and they were confident on who had gained spots and who hadn’t.

“Well girls, you all did extremely well.” The words flowed easily out of Irdina’s mouth. I clenched my jaw as she spoke, not listening to the words. “I’m afraid that we only have two spots open…” I drifted in and out of concentration, listening to Emily’s voice float around in my head. “Catherine, Melissa, Karen, April- I’m sorry, you won’t be joining our studio. Daisy will guide you out now, thank you for coming. Megan and Courtney, would you please stay behind? Thank you all for coming today.” Irdina finished, and for the first time, I looked up to see four other girls leaving the room with the two teachers. There was definitely that moment of shock at first, but I kept a straight face, containing my emotions.

Beside me was the extremely pretty girl in a pink and black outfit.

“Well done girls! I’m so proud!” Danielle grinned as she bounced over to us, and she embraced us both in a warm hug. “We only allow the very top dancers into the studio, and we’re so glad that you’ve joined our family! Welcome!” She flushes, and I felt honoured. For an amazing dancer like Danielle to accept us into the company was just amazing. After Danielle had finished her little introductory speech, Courtney sighed.

“Sorry, I’ve got to run. Send the details to my email address on the application form, I’ll check them this evening. Thank you so much for this opportunity Danielle, I won’t let you down.” She smiles as she waves to us both goodbye and scurries out the door. I turn to face Danielle who still has a massive grin plastered on her face.

“How about I take you out for lunch? We can get to know each other a little bit better.” She offers, and I immediately accept. “Go on, get changed and I’ll be in the lobby. We’ll just go across the road.” I hurry off into the changing room in the corner, where I change briefly from my dancing outfit back into my regular clothes, and I pull my cardigan back on over my shoulders. I collect my bag and hurry out of the studio and into the lobby where an eager Danielle awaits me.

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