Chapter 2: Midi-Chlorian Counts

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A\N So first part done yay! But now second part. Also, I know their midi-chlorian counts are 15,000 but I feel like they have such a strong bond that they have what I put in this chapter, kinda like a unison raid in FT but all the time.
I=thoughts or Force Bonds
B=visions or memories

"It's the prophecy! Two halves of a whole!"

Anakin POV

The two parts of light started to shape into people. When I thought it would never end it just abruptly stopped. Left behind are two people, a blonde haired boy and a brown haired girl, they looked like they have only reached 10 cycles (10 years old). I ran over to them, but stopped when I felt that they were Force-Sensitive, VERY Force-Sensitive, I came to my senses and kneeled down in between
"Hey kids, wake up!" I said, shaking them both softly. The boy opened his eyes and I was shocked to find that they looked exactly like mine, EXACTLY. He scrambled backwards away from me. Then the girl woke up and did the same thing.
"Hey don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." I said softly, "You're at the Jedi Temple, I'm going to go sit down and we're going to ask you some questions. Is that ok?" They both nodded their heads and stood up, I turned and sat down.
"Your names, you tell." Yoda said. The girl spoke up,
"My name is Leia Organa." What?!
"Relation to Senator Bail Organa, have you?" Yoda asked.
"He's my father sir, well adoptive father." She replied.
"But Bail doesn't have an adopted daughter" I said.
" Yes he does." she answered.
"Enough. What's your name boy." Mace said.
"I'm Luke Skywalker, sir." What?! How can that be?!
" Thought that, I did." Yoda says realizing something, "From the Future, You are."
" I don't know one minute I'm in my room, the next I'm here!" Luke said.
"Same." Leia commented.
" Are you two siblings? I can sense that you are." Mace said
"We've never seen each other before, but it could be possible." Luke responded.
"Yeah I'm adopted so anythings possible." Leia said, a little confused.
"Where are you from?" someone asked.
"I live on a moisture farm on Tatoienne." Luke answered. I tensed, Poor kid.
" You already know." Leia said,
"Names of your parents, what are they?" Yoda asked Luke.
"I don't know my moms name, but I know my dads name is Anakin Skywalker." He replied, curious as to why they want to know, "Why?"
That's it! What is going on?!
"WHAT?!" I yelled.
"Why is that a big deal?!" Luke yelled exasperated.
"Because I-I am Anakin Skywalker!" I said.
"Really?!" He asked bewildered.
I just nod my head.

I was walking down the hall with Luke and Leia, they were going to stay with me, great.
"So you're a Jedi?" Luke asked quietly.
"Mm-hm" I answered, then I remembered something, "What are your midi-chlorian counts?"
"Midi-whats?" Leia asked.
"Well it's the amount of force in your body. Why don't we go find what yours are?" I said
"Sure. Why not." Luke said shrugging.
"Ok so this is their midi-chlorian count."
"Thanks." I said walking out.
"Anakin! I see you're finding their midi-chlorian counts." Obi-Wan said walking to us.
"Yep! We were just about to find out."
I replied.
"Well let's see!" He said cheerfully.
I looked at the papers and gasped.
"Anakin? What is it? It can't be that bad."Obi-Wan said, before looking himself.
"We need to show this to the council, now!" I said.
"What is it?!" Luke asked.
"Just wait."
At the council...

"Masters." Obi-Wan and I said, bowing.
"What is it?" Mace said, monotonously.
" Well we went to go see what Luke and Leia's midi-chlorian count are and well...just look for your self." I said handing them the papers and sitting down along with Obi-Wan.
"This is most surprising, indeed." Mace said.
"Ok! Will some one tell us what is going on?!" Luke yelled.
"Ok, so, the highest midi-chlorian count is mine, a 20,000, but yours is a 30,000 each." I say.
"Wait so does that mean we have the highest midi-chlorian count?" Leia asked.
I nod.

A\N well that was a little weird, but eh what are ya gonna do.

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