Chapter 2: The Abandoned Island🏞

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My eyes open quickly. I found myself laying on the sand and seeing a big, bloody cut on my arm. I don't feel like moving but I had to get up. My backpack was still on me. I got up and turn around seeing bodies in the sea and an abandoned island. Everything I saw was trees and sea water. I saw the big Carnvial Breeze boat being sinked into the water and smoke from the pipes. I have to find my sister. Is she ok? Is she injured like me? "Are you ok" Kenton asked. He scared me. Kenton was injured as well. He had a cut on his face and on his abs. "Oh I'm fine. You're badly injured." I said. "Just a cut. Not too deep." he answered. "There are survivors in the island. We found a place to stay." He walked though the island. I looked at the sea one last time and soon followed Kenton. I saw smoke above the trees. Someone was setting a fire up. It was the survivors. We got there in 2 minutes. I didn't see Luna at all. She died. She didn't make it. My heart sunked. I was crying and Kenton tried to help me walked. "We have to get out of this island now or we are all going to die!" Morgan screamed. "I don't want to be here!" Colette yelled. "Hey! You're making things worse than it is. We will be rescued." Kenton screamed back. I doubt it. I don't even know these people. "I'm hungry." Angel whined. "3 boys should go hunt will the girls stay here and get to know each other. The rest of you 3 boys go guard them or find a way to get rescued." Kenton order. "Since when are you the boss of us?" a boy stepped up. "Nick, calm down. You want to get out of here right? We need to stick together." Kenton said. They all did what they needed to do. "Okay. Let's go around the circle and say your name." Colette said. "I'm Colette by the way." I'm Morgan. Angel. Samantha. Ife. Torie. Kya. Dorian. I finally said my name. "Ummmm. Heyyyyy! There's no signal on my iPhone X and I really need to go on Snapchat to text my gurlfriends that I'm on an abandoned island." Colette whined. "Colette, we are on a freaking island. We can die out here you know." Kya yelled. They babbled back and forth. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked away from the group and told them I was using the bathroom which I wasn't. I wanted to go to the sea water and drown. I walked towards the water and holding the sand of my hand. I let go. Letting all the sand drop down to where it was suppose to be. My feet touched the cold water and I keep walking until the water reached my neck. I squat down without holding my breath. I scream underwater. Suddenly, I feel a slight force on my head like someone was making me drown. I tried to use my hands to stop them but I had no breath. I was screaming until it stop. I gave up until I heard a splash and someone was swimming towards me. It was Kenton. He swam me up to the surface and dragged me to the sand. I coughed and coughed and gasped for air. "Why would you do that? That was so  stupid. You could have gotten yourself killed." he screamed at me. He took me back to the circle and told the girls to watch me. This time I didn't say a word.


The boys came back with a slaughtered pig. They roasted it with the fire. I ate the bacon part of it. The weather was hot. I felt like I was going to dehydrate. I grabbed the water bottle from my gray backpack and sip a little to save it. Kya was the one who was dark and evil. She was atheltic too from her muscle. It looked like if you messed with her she beat you up. Samantha was quiet and never said a word. She looked creepy. Torie was spritiual and down to earth girl. She prays every second. Dorian just acted like nothing happened. She felt like she was normal by just looking at her. Morgan and Angel are very perky. They were freaking out and having a good time at the same time. Colette is pathetic. She cried because she couldn't get on Snapchat to text her boyfriends and her girls. Ife kept crying all the time because she missed her family. She never stopped. That's all the girls I know. There was 9 girls, including me, and 6 boys. A lot of the boys like Colette by just looking at them. We sat by the fire just enjoying ourselves until it was time to sleep. We burned out the fire and slept on the ground. I was tired and went to sleep fast.


I woke up to a nightmare. A bad one. As I woke up, I looked for Kenton. I feel so safe around him. I trust him. Kenton wasn't there. I walk out to the sea water and I find him sitting there by himself. I wanted to join him. So I sat next to him and watch the ship sink. The sun was rising up for the morning. "You're up early." Kenton said. "Bad dream." I answered. He didn't say anything until "Yeah, me too." I never thought Kenton would have nightmares as a tough guy. He so nice and handsome. I just want to kiss him. "Are you okay?" he asked. He cares about me. "Yeah. It's just hard to realize that I lost someone so close to me." I answered. "Your sister?" he asked. "And my parents." I finished for him. I put my hand down on the sand and he put his on top of mine. We both look at each other. "We can survive this. If we just sticked together." Kenton said. Staring in his beautiful light brown eyes is too good too be true right now. He leans in. I do too. We were about to kiss until we heard a scream. We both ran into the jungle. "She's dead. Someone killed Samantha!" screamed Morgan. 

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