Kentucky Fried Danse

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A/n: Before we start, I want to inform you all on something. Nothing major, just one little detail about the game that has bugged me since day one.

In this story, the B.o.S. invented the T-60 power armor after the defeat of the Enclave instead of the U.S. before the Great War. Gold star for you if you understand why.

Now, on with the story!

3rd p.o.v.

Travis: So, the, uhh... The Minutemen are out there... doing things... in the Commonwealth. What kind of things, you ask? Well... I will tell you. I have heard that they, uhh... they have taken over "The Castle" which I guess was their's a long time ago, but hasn't been for a while... It had been full of fish, or monsters... or monster fish, maybe? I don't know; I didn't really... hear... that part. But the Minutemen are there now, and that's good... for them... and I guess for everyone else, too. So, uhh... yeah. How about... How about some music?


(Y/n): God damn, you even make important news sound boring as all hell.

Just south of Lexington, a certain vault dweller is checking his pip-boy for other stations to listen to.

(Y/n): Let's see... We have Stutters Mcgee, the lullaby station, and immediate headache news radio... Decisions, decisions.

As he is walking, his pip-boy made a small static sound and fades to silence.

(Y/n): !!!... Jesus, I feel like this things about to explode when it does that! Wait... Military Frequency AF95?


???: Automated message repeating... This is Scribe Haylen of Reconnaissance Squad Gladius to any unit in transmission range. Authorization Arx. Ferrum. Nine. Five. Our unit has sustained casualties and we're running low on supplies. We're requesting support or evac from our position at Cambridge Police Staton. Automated message repea-


(Y/n): Hmm. Either the Gunners are in deep shit or there is an actual military unit in need of help... Eh, worth a look none the less.

Pulling out his handy dandy (and easily replaceable) combat rifle, he heads due south to Cambridge.

(Timeskip brou-

Making it there in no time what so ever.


(Y/n) p.o.v.

As I make it into Cambridge, I can already tell this place is one of those kinds of towns. You know, the ones that had their entire populist turned into  feral ghouls and for whatever reason they never left. So after putting a few ghouls down, the sound of lasers and gunfire could be heard further in town. The sight of a barricade can be seen in front of the police station.

Mowing through some more ghouls, I can see my damsels in distress. They are definitely not Gunners that's for sure. These guys actually look professional, from their equipment right down to their attire. Hell, one off them is wearing some kickass power armor! Minus the the helmet though.

???: Target sighted!

Hearing a shriek behind me I turned around and brought the butt of my rifle right to the face of a ghoul thinking it would get lucky. As it staggers back, I then mowed it down along with two more with it. As the now one sided fight started to cool down, I made my way over to Iron Man.

???: Threats neutralized.

(Y/n): Sup.

???: We appreciate your assistance, civilian. But what's your business here?

(Y/N)'s Misadventures in The CommonwealthWhere stories live. Discover now