Chapter 1

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2d and Noodle were in his room playing video games when all of a sudden Noodle gets bored. She stops playing and then comes up with an idea. "Hey, toochi?" She asked 2d. 2d looks at her. "Hmmm?" He replied. "Do you wanna do something fun?"~ Noodle purred. "Sure love, what do you have in mind?" 2d asked. "It's a surprise but, right now Toochi I want you to lay down on your back with your eyes closed. And make sure you keep them close." "Ok" 2d replied as he lays down on his back with his eyes closed. "Now what?" He asked. "Just relax and I'll take care of everything else." Noodle replied. "Are you giving me a massage love?" 2d asked with a smirked. "Yes, now make sure you stay quiet." Noodle orders him. "Ok, love" 2d replied. "Now just take a deep breath and relax." 2d does exactly that and a few seconds later he's out like a light. Noodle slightly giggles at him but quickly and carefully begins to remove all of 2d's clothing. Once all of his clothes are all over his messy floor she begins to remove all of her own clothing except for her lacy black bra and panties. She slowy and carefully moves 2d's black boxers down and admires his long 20 inched cock. "How does he hide this big thing in his pants?" She asked herself before she begans to focus back to the task at hand and remove her own underwear. Once she's fully naked she slowly crawls up to 2d's neck and leaves light kisses and hickeys all the way down to his cock. She then beings to perform oral sex on him but still make sure to be careful so that he doesn't wake up. Once she swallow a bit of pre-cum she begans to position herself over his cock and slowing drops all the way down until his member is all the way to her g-spot. Noddle feels shivers going down her spine for a bit then she slowly and carefully begins to move her body up and down so that she's bouncing on his member. Noodle begans to go a little bit faster and faster with her bouncing and letting out loud moans, loud enough to wake 2d who's shocked as to what he sees. "L-love, w-what a-are you doing" 2d asked in between moans. Noodle stops her bouncing and look at 2d deep in the eyes before answering" I'm sorry, but I was a bit horney and I wanted you to make love to me." 2d smile "Well if that's what you wanted all you had to do was asked." He then grabs her and positions her in doggie style and leaves to get her cat ears from her Strobeolight costume. He puts them on her head and whispered "But, we're going to do it my way got it kitten?" Noddle's face perked up as she realized what roles there playing. ( she loves ddlg) "Yes, daddy" she replied with a smile. 2d smirked at her response "Good girl, now open your legs up so that daddy can give you your present." Noodle quickly did as she was told and spread her legs as wide as she could. "Like this daddy?" She asked. 2d smiled as he gets out a 12 inch vibrator and pushed it deep inside of her vagina. Noodle slightly screams even though her hymen has been broken a long time ago because of her martal art skills she still felt pain as the vibrator went all the way into her g-spot. Once the vibrator is deep inside of Noodle 2d begins to pushed his penis deep into Noodle's asshole. Noodle once again slightly screams as 2d's big cock stretches the inside of her ass, once 2d feels his tip hit her prostate he begans to turn on some music from his radio with a remote, turned on the vibrator and beings to move his cock in and out of Noodle's ass. The song that was playing was Dare and it was turned up loud to blocked out all of Noodle's moans and screams of plessure as 2d fucks her so hard in the ass. 2d decideds to humour himself by leaning down to Noodle's ear and whisper the chorus of Dare to her. "You got to pressed it on you, you just think it that's what you do baby. Hold it down dare. Jump with them all let's move it. Jump back and forth and feel like you were there yourself work it out." 2d then licks and bites her neck leaving hickeys all over. The song then changes to She's My Callor and 2d begins to smirked evily as he takes out the vibrator and quickly positions Noodle in nelson position where she's facing foward and beings to bounce her body on his cock. Noodle begans to feel herself loose control and scream "Oh, yes harder harder daddy please~" 2d smirked "What's the magic word?" He teased. "Please fuck me til I'm sore all over daddy?" She asked in her best innocent voice. 2d chuckled "Whatever my baby wants she gets." And so with that 2d and Noodle had an all night sex feast in his room in every kind of position imaginable. *A few hours later* Noodle is laying on 2d's chest as he smokes a cigarette both have tired but satisfied smiles on their faces. "That was the best sex I ever had." Noodle said with a sigh. 2d looks her before responding "That was the best sex I ever had in a long time love." Noodle looked at him in disbelief. "Why" she asked. "Where the other girls not experience or something?" 2d smile at her question before responding "No, it's just that with you I was actually making love instead of having sex." Noodle felt herself blushed at his words she was about to smile when she realized that she was stupid to think that. Of course the other woman he brings home wouldn't satisfied him because they were all just horny sluts looking for sex not love. "So, does that mean that you love me?" Noodle asked. 2d puts his cigarette in the nearby ash bend on his night stand and let's out a could of smoke before answering. "Well, of course it does. I mean I have been in love with you for a long time." Noodle looks shocked by the news. "For how long?" She asked. "Since you came to rescue me from plastic beach." 2d respond before kissing her healed right eye that was damaged during phase 3. Noodle smiled "I love you snice I was 10 toochi." Now it was 2d's turn to look confused. "You have?" He asked. Noodle nods before continuing. "At first I thought it was just some silly little school girl crush or admiration. But, once I reach 15 I realize that I did love you but I put it in the back of my mind because I was afraid you would turn me down because of my age. And when we finally reunited on Plastic Beach I realize that my feelings where even bigger than love or admiration. When we finally gotten back together after the crazy journeys we all went on to Wobble Street before starting Humanz I knew that I was head over heels in love with you. But, I just didn't know how to say it or show it." 2d smiled as he absobs all of this new information his little love has loved him forever and he didn't even knew it until now. "Well, I couldn't say that the feeling isn't neutral, because it is." Noodle looks at him " What do you mean?" She asked. He chuckle before sitting up on the bed, Noodle doing the same before he speaks. "What I meant is that I have loved you for a very long time but I thought that it was inappropriate because of the age difference and I didn't want our fans to think that I was a pedophile for loving you." Noodle smile before she put on a serious face as she sat up and place her hands on both sides of 2d's face so that they were starring into each others eyes. They were both silent for a few minutes until Noodle broke the silence. "Listen carefully to what I'm about to say to you Toochi because it is very important." 2d blinks for a second but nods telling her to continue. Noodle takes a deep breath before continuing "Fuck what people think or say about our relationship. If we wanted to date or start a family together then that is our choice to make not theirs, if they want to talk bad about it let them talk until they get bored of discussion the same topic everyday. All that matters and all that should matter is how we feel about our relationship. Not the press, fans, haters, collaborators, Murdoc, Russel,or Damon and Jamie. It's all about us and will always be about us. So don't worry about a thing baby because I got you and you got me ok." 2d smile a full boyish smile and kiss Noddle passionately on the lips until they were flipped over on the bed making out. 2d then pulls away with a chuckle before holds Noodle tightly to him whisper into her ear "I love you my little axe princess." Noodle giggled at the sound of her childhood nickname the pressed gave her in phase 1 coming from her boyfriends mouth. "I love you too Toochi". 2d smile before she and him finally feel asleep together. Meanwhile downstairs of Kong Studios we see Murdoc coming in the living room looking like he has the biggest hangover in the world with Russel, Damon and Jammie by his side helping him to walk straight. "Yo D, Babygirl, we're home." Shouted Russel but was meant with no answer from the singer or the guitarist. "Where the hell are those two?" Asked Murdoc as he holds his head in pain. "There probably upstairs." Said Damon as he looks towards the lift that leads to everyone's room. "Me and Jamie will go look for them in their respective rooms and you guys can just relax up here ok." Damon suggested. "Sounds good to me." Said Russell as he and Murdoc sat on the couch to watch tv while Damon and Jamie headed towards the lift. "How do we know who's room they're in?" Asked Jamie once they got into the lift Damon was about to replie when the lift stopped in the middle of the hallway on the third floor and they heard the sound of Andormeda playing from Noodle's room. "Well, that's helpful." Jamie joked. Damon told him to stay quiet as they slowly opened Noodle's door to reveal the secret couple cuddle up together asleep with the covers barely covering their naked bodies. Damon and Jamie both quietly stepped into the room to find they're clothes and underwear scattered all over the floor and the smell of sex mix with their body fragrances filled the air around them while the radio change to Submissive. Jamie was shocked at the sight in front of him but Damon on the other hand was actually amused to say the least. "Wow, I can't believe they actually had sex together." Jamie said once he recovered from his shocked. "I can, no matter how many times I try to tell them to keep their relationship as siblingly or friendly as possible they never listen. And now we have no way of hidden their relationship from the fans or the pressed." Jamie nodded before he thought of something. "What if we have a private chat about this? Just you, me, Noodle and 2d and we come up with a solution for them to keep their relationship private from the fans, press, even Murdoc and Russel?" Damon thought about that for a second before he noded in agreement to the plan. "Alright but we got to come with an excuse to tell Russel and Murdoc about them for the time being." Jamie smiled "Don't worry I already got that covered." They take one last look at the sleeping couple before walking out of the room and heading down the elevator to the living room where Murdoc and Russell were waiting for them. As soon as they stepped out of the elevator Russell ran up to them. "Well, did you find them?" He asked. Damon nodded "Yeah, their in Noodle's room sleeping. Just wait a while until they wake up ok?" Russell nodded "Yeah, will do. Thanks guys." "No problem" Jamie said before he and Damon left with smirks on their faces. "Well, we'll will just chill for a bit until they wake up?" Russel asked. "I guess so." Said Murdoc as he and Russel sit on the couch and watched tv. Meanwhile with our secret couple 2d is giving Noodle a back massage as she moans at his warm touch on her skin. "Mmmm, this feels so good 'D" moaned Noodle as 2d rups his hands over her back and shoulders. 2d doesn't say anything as he continues his gentle movements on Noodle's body. 2d stops his movements when he sees Noodle's back tattoo of angle wings. "When did you get this done love?" He asked her. "I got it done while I was traveling around Japan to fight off the Meizu demon."She answered. 2d nodded before committing "It's beautiful, love." Noodle giggled "You haven't seen my other tattoo." 2d's eyes widened "You have another tattoo, where?" He asked. Noodle giggled again before answering. "Its located right above my left asscheek." 2d gets off Noodle's back and stands by the bed. Noodle already knowing what he wanted her to do got up from the bed and turned facing her right so that 2d can see her tattoo which was his name inside of a heart. "That's beautiful love" 2d completed. "You think so?" Noodle asked. "Definitely, now come on we don't want to keep the guys waiting now." 2d says he begans to get out one of his old t-shirts he let Noodle borrowed when she was younger. Once they're all dressed they to the elevator and down towards the living room where everyone else is waiting for them. When they enter the living room all eyes are on them. "Well look who finally decided to show up?" Joked Jammie as he smriks at the confused couple. "Hehe... Yeah, sorry we just got a bit..." 2d started to say but couldn't think of anything luckily Noodle was there to hlep him. "Caught up." She finshed for him. "We gotten a pit caught up." Russel chuckle. "Oh, I bet." That cause them to blushed even more if that was possible. "Don't worry you two we know all about your secret relationship." Said Damon with a smile. "Right, we just wanted to know when you guys first started having feelings for each other?" With a heavy sigh and nervous smiles they began to tell them that they had feelings for one another snice phase 1-2 but they didn't think anything of it. And throughout phase 3-4 they both knew that they were in love with one another and decided to date in secret. As Damon and Jamie listen to there story they both came up with great plain for the couple. "Well, Damon started. "Me and Jamie have the perfect idea for you too." The couple perked their heads up with eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Well, then what is it?" They both asked. "Our idea is for you both to become public instead of staying a serect and only leaving hints for the fans." 2d and Noodle looked excited but quickly went back to being nervous. "What about the half of the fanbase that hates any ship involving the band?" Asked 2d. Damon and Jamie both gave them wicked smiles. "They can go fuck themselves for all we care." That was enough convincing to get 2d and Noodle on bored with the plan. So, when the Gorillaz post new photos, videos, or do interviews 2d and Noodle will either leave hits of their relationship or fully confirmed it. In the end it was ment with some backlash and hate from certain fans. But, for the other fans who are fine with them being an opened couple it was a dream come true for them. Also, they were the #1 most talked about topic all over the media. But, the one thing that really had everyone talking was when Noodle announced that she was pregnant and when 2d purpose to her. There wedding was set to be on 2d's birthday. And best believe everyone was excited for it.

Author's note: let me know what you all think of the chapter. Also I gotten the idea of Noodle's tattoos from Devinart (angel wings) and the heart from a picture on Rule 34.( please don't ask why) Bye~

Our Dirty Little Secret (2nu)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara