Chapter 2

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  "Hey Dad, who's this?" Nicky waved from where he was helping Columbus position once of the soccer goals.

"This is Ahk's sister, Bek-tem-man-net."

"Bektamunet," She softly corrected at the same time Ahk did, though his response was louder than hers. "But you may simply call me, Bek."

"Cool, I'm Nick. Larry's my dad." The boy put out his hand. Bek gently took it and they shook hands.

"Ahk, you playing on my team tonight?" Nick asked the young pharaoh.

"Most definitely," Ahk grinned. "Who are we playing?"

"Columbus and the Vikings."

Ahk groaned.

"What sport is this, Ahkmen?" Bek asked, confused.

"Soccer; it's a new sport. It's a lot of fun. Nicky taught us." Ahk replied.

"And this...Co-lum-bus...he is a good player?"

"Yes, very," Nicky and Ahk answered at the same time.

"Then I believe I shall have to watch" Bek grinned.

"I do not understand this game," Bek stated. She was watching from the sidelines with Larry and a huge man in furs her brother introduced as Attilla.

"What don't you understand?" Larry asked.

"Much," she huffed. "All that I can see is that they kick the ball. Is that a rule of the game, that they must kick it?"

"Yes, they have to kick it into their net, the goals, for points. If they foul other players, like intentionally kicking them to keep them from playing, they get penalties. If a particular player gets too many penalties, they get pulled from the game."

"Hmm..." Bek still was not sure of the game, but she loved to see Ahk enjoying himself. He had been made their father's heir on his fifth birthday. From then on, he was training to be pharaoh, something that left little time in a child's life for fun and games. As she watched, Ahk kicked the ball to young Nick, who scored. Apparently it was a very good scoring, because everyone cheered very loudly and Ahk hugged Nick enthusiastically, and they clapped their right hands together. In fact, Nick did that with several of the players. Must be some kind of congratulatory gesture, thought Bektamunet. Ahk is quite good with children, I mean, he is not far removed from being one himself, but still. What a good father...or uncle he would—No! Must not think on such things!

"Are you alright, Princess?"

Bektamunet started and turned to see Teddy approaching with a beautiful young woman with long black braids.

"Yes, my lor—Teddy." She quickly answered.

"May I introduce Sacajawea of the Shoshone," he said proudly, motioning to the young woman with him. The young woman held out her hand to the Egyptian.

"Bektamunet," Bed said, taking the Native's hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Sacajawea."

"Do you know our pharaoh, Ahkmenrah?" Sacajawea asked.

"Yes," Bek grinned. "He is my little brother."

"Truly? That is wonderful!" Sacajawea smiled. "I know Ahk has missed his family terribly. He tries to hide it, and we do what we can for him, but, of course, it is not the same."

"No, but I cannot thank you all enough for looking after him," Bektamunet smiled gratefully back. "He and I were very close before my death."

Meanwhile, Jed and Octavius, who had been keep Rexy out of the lobby and away from the soccer game by driving around with his bone tied to the back of their RC car, drove past and Octavius saw someone he did not recognize with Teddy and Sacagawea.

"Who's that with the President and his lady?" he wondered out loud. He only caught a glimpse of her, but he saw the radiant smile she sent to the Shoshone she was speaking with, and he thought that, for the briefest moment, his heart just might have stopped. Surely she is the image of some Egyptian goddess he thought before he could stop himself, and he immediately shook his head to clear his head of such thoughts.

"I dunno," Jed answered his friend's question. "I think Gigantor said somethin' 'bout her bein' Ahk's sister."

"She is a princess then?"

"I reckon so."

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