chapter 7 when enemies untie with us

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(popplio) ok we are here huh? Something looks different about this place?

(???) why did you return?! Get out!

(rockruff) but we got the answer we got from the caverns what else is there to do?

(???) you survived! But how?!

(litten) uh

(???) wait!......rockruff!

(rockruff) huh?

(???) please come here and your friends too

(popplio) hold it your aren't gonna hurt us are you!

(litten) you hurt us we hurt your stupid flowers!

(popplio) yeah!

(rockruff) wait guys I have a feeling she's not gonna hurt us

(popplio) but she already did!

(litten) why do you think we should trust her again!

(rockruff) please? Can we talk with her?

(popplio) ok if your sure

(litten) eh fine but if she hurts us for reals then we are gonna hurt her flowers

(???) please stop! We don't have much time!

(rockruff,litten, and popplio) Huh?!

( Mystery Pokemon Crys )

(??? ) I saw it the darkness is moving this direction please! Let me help you!

(litten) popplio I have to trust her!

(popplio) me too!

(rockruff) even though she was mean and rude she can still change

(???) thank.... much!

(popplio) your welcome

(litten) just don't do pranks ok?

(???) promise I'll just get my bag

(litten) so now what?

(popplio) I don't know

(???) we must get my friend mightynea she can help us

(popplio) but she tired to kill us!

(litten) yeah!

(rockruff) but we gave her another chance why not mightynea?

(popplio) oh... Ok we can give her another chance

(rockruff) Yay!

(???) thank you guys so much I won't regret it

(rockruff) huh? What's that?

(???) huh? You mean this? My feather? I found it this morning

(popplio) whoa litten look! We all three have the same feathers from Ho-Oh!

(rockruff) wait you found the same feather too? Awesome!

(litten) Werid why is Ho-Oh dropping feathers?

(rockruff) I don't know we better keep them safe

(???) agree they do look beautiful

(popplios mind) what the heck is going on feathers dropping out of nowhere like its funny? I can't surely say it is but why is Ho-Oh dropping feathers?

(litten) so now what? Mightynea is just gonna show right now?

(mightynea) hey I heard everything from that Bush and here to help

(rockruff) what's that on your ear?

(mightynea) a feather why? Can't I wear it?

(popplio whispers to litten)

(popplio) something fishy is going on and I want to know what it is

(litten) yeah

(mightynea) you two better not call me fat! again your lucky I can't kill you!

(popplio) wait what! It wasn't anything about you mightynea I swear!

(???) it's ok mightynea I heard them talking about the feathers we all got

(mightynea) Whoa! you guys have  feathers too weird

(rockruff) I know right

(Mightynea) well sorry if I snapped guys

(popplio) it's ok

(litten) yeah and we are sorry too mightynea

(Mightynea) it's cool besides my pack is getting annoying and absol is packing his stuff and leaving which hurts me so much

(popplio Crys a little) can't absol join us?

(mightynea) I told him and he doesn't care what he does anymore as long as he doesnt get picked on

(popplio) is it me or is there a story going on about all of us

(???) what do you mean?

(popplio) rockruffs been absued we been hurt and treated like pets and you guys have something in common

(???) interesting me and Mightynea never got hurt by humans

(mightynea) its probably just you and litten popplio

(popplio) huh maybe I was wrong

(???) wait mightynea also said that absol was been called names

(mightynea) yeah so there is another thing you guys have in common in rockruff popplio

(rockruff) cool!

(absol) hey y'all sorry I am late zoura wants me to rub his nasty Little feet so I came here with out doing it bleh

(rockruffs happy ) hey absol welcome to the team!

(Absol) thanks bud sorry that I said mean stuff about you guys I just been in a lot of stress with mightyneas crew

(Rockruff) no problem

(???) we should head to the top mountain

(popplio) why?

(???) so we can ask Ho-Oh a question about the place we need to head

(popplio screams in joy) WAIT REALLY HO-OH! WE GET TO SEE HO-OH IN REAL LIFE!

(litten) holy moly really!

(mightynea) hahaha guess you guys want to meet Ho-Oh huh?

(popplio) you better believe it!

(litten) did popplio tell you about Ho-Oh rockruff?

(rockruffs happy) yes at least I can see him

(popplio pulls mightyneas arm) Come on already! let's go!

(Mightynea laughing) ok ok

(???) let's go absol

(absol) yes I can't wait to meet Ho-Oh either

(popplio) screams) ME EITHER!!!

(???) hold it guys

(popplio) what?

(???) we need to get across the forest, though aria lake pass the cave of mystic rocks and through mirage ruins to get to the mountain

(litten) dang long travel

(popplio) I don't care let's go!

(absol laughing) your a little pumped up huh?

(rockruff) popplio is just excited about Ho-Oh

(mightynea) we know

(litten minds) wonder what these feathers mean and how we can use them cause will know later on

(rockruff) alright let's go!

(everyone) right!

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