chapter 6 in the hottest caverns

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(litten) rockruff this is a terrible plan we are all going to die!

(rockruff) why are so you worried? Haven't been in a cavern before?

(popplio) no we have went here a long time before we met you and we got beaten up badly we got scratches and bruises on are knees

(litten) did you ever had that rockruff?

(rockruff) well... Maybe

(popplio) oh

(litten) damn I didn't know you got hurt too

(rockruff) yeah it hurts even more than being yelled at....sigh

(popplio) you know what forget what we said about not going in there we are going in there and be brave like you rockruff

(litten) yeah! Enough of Mr. Soft kitten Time to bring the muscles

(rockruff Crys) thank you so much

(popplio) but let's keep it low key though we don't want to get caught

(rockruff and litten) right!

(litten) man this place does look scary but I think I can manage it

(popplio) I better not see there leader again if I do so help me I'll!

(litten) shh!

(rockruff) hey what's that Pokemon doing?.......Ew!

(litten pulls down rockruff)

(rockruff) hey why did you!

(litten puts one of his paws on rockruffs mouth)

(litten) shh rockruff those are the Pokemon we need to avoid!

(growling from a distance)

(???) ninetails quit growling at that tree

(ninetails) Sorry I though I heard something houndoom

(houndoom) it's fine let's go our leader needs us

(ninetails) fine let's go

(litten) good there gone

(popplio) we're is rockruff?

(rockruff) hey guys you coming or what?

(litten) be right there rockruff oh our chance of survival is a low chance

(popplio) agreed

(rockruff) Ugh smells like dead animals bleh!

(litten) it's getting more smelly in here and hotter like a hot spring cooking some nasty soup

(popplio) wait you here that?!

(litten) yeah but I wish I can see

(rockruff) same sigh

(popplio) just be careful and make sure no one...... Rockruff!

(rockruff) huh? Something wrong popplio

(litten) look behind you!

(rockruff) oh hi

(ninetails growling)

(rockruff) well that wasn't very nice

(litten) rockruff don't talk to him he's a bad pokemon!

(rockruff) wait what!

(popplio)  it's ok if you didn't know rockruff but now you know

(Rockruff) sheesh so many bad pokemon

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