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The walk back to the village was quiet but it was not uncomfortable and Serenity liked the quietness that enveloped them. Only the occasional creak of swaying branches as the wind danced among the trees could be heard along with the crunching snow as they walk on the white forest floor. Sometimes, small forest animals scurried here and there making Serenity wonder if they knew what she had done to the boys.

Serenity would steal small glances towards Azriel and he would look at her with a small grin which only make her to grimace and train her eyes onwards. After a few attempts to study him quietly but failing Serenity gave up. She was not sure what he meant by bonded. The only meaning of bonded she knew it couldn't be that. She felt blood raising along her neck and her face became hot. She bowed her head down in a feeble attempt to cover her face with her hair, the thought itself was embarrassing enough she didn't need him catching her red tinged face and start questioning it. But what were they? She could not help but wonder. She was doing that a lot after meeting him - the wondering. She never wondered before, it was a waste of time, but now she kept doing it.

Azriel couldn't help but smile as his little princess kept stealing glances towards him on their way back. Of course, anybody would be curious if suddenly a hooded being came out of nowhere and told them they were bonded. The bond itself being a curious thing, he would tell Serenity everything eventually, but for now he enjoyed the quietness and peace.
A calm before the storm. He was enjoying the walk through the forest, it had been too long since he graced the earth. To be able to feel the earthly things left him in a euphoric state. Of course, he didn't feel the cold or heat, it was just the same to him but he had learned to feel the other things. Simple little things that gave him joy, like taking a stroll through the snow clad forest. It was one of the simple things he had taken for granted before.

His little princess seemed deep in thought, but he was glad she came out of her previous shock. Still, he couldn't help but be curious as to what she might be thinking. The human mind always amazed him, but female minds left him in a complicated state. They were too unpredictable.

"A penny for your thoughts!"

Serenity turned her head to see Azriel watching her. Her face heated more so than before. How was she going to say she had been thinking about their bond? Azriel mused when he saw red spreading her pale cheeks and wondered what could his little princess be thinking to appear so flushed and bothered?

"I.." Serenity cleared her throat, "I was just wondering about our bond." Azriel was surprised with the answer, he had thought that she might still be bothered with what happened before but it turned out she was thinking about them. He gave her a small smile, "I'm your guardian, child."

"Like a guardian angel?" That seemed to peaked her interest.

"I'm not an Angel. As I've said before, I'm a Demon." Azriel gave off a laugh when he hear an 'oh'. Poor child was clearly disappointed she didn't get a guardian Angel. A white light appeared in front of them cutting short his laugh. Serenity closed her eyes and shielded it with her hand when it became too blinding. She could hear giggles, hushed voices, tinkles and Azriel swearing under his breath.

Serenity opened her eyes and saw the three girls who looked only a few years older than her giggling and and whispering among themselves. They were gorgeous beyond anything Serenity had ever seen. They casted a light glow around, white velvet cloak adorned their lithe bodies and their long white hair seemed to be floating.
The only difference they had in manner of their clothing was the pendant around their neck. The middle with the violet pendant stopped giggling when she caught Serenity staring at her. She whispered to the other girls and they all stared back at her. Unable to withstand their intense staring, Serenity inched closure to Azriel. The girl with the violet pendant arched an eyebrow at her movement but didn't say anything. The one on her left, with a green pendant stepped forward, "Azriel" , she drawled and focused on the demon, "you're back." There was a hint of mild surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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