The Boy with Black Hair

49 3 0

June 2014




I had been rehearsing this ever since I realised I liked you.

I don't know what to do.

I admire you from afar. Never approaching you with the confidence I wish I had.

I adore your midnight, black hair. The way you laugh when you are surrounded by your friends. I could stare into your deep, brown eyes for centuries and never look away, even for a second.

I would throw away everything I have, everything I own for the chance to run away with you right now.

I'll never let anyone know though. Except for you, if the time ever comes. It would take a miracle for that to happen. But I can't help myself from dreaming about my dreams becoming realties.

The sky is filled with millions and trillions of stars, but somehow, amongst the brightest of stars, I found you. A flicker of light in eternal darkness, a sign of life in a sea of blood.

I fell in love with the way you walked, the way you talked, the way you smiled and laughed. They were all perfect to me.

I am in love with you. And I know that love is just as confusing as life it's self. But I am in love you.

So, here I stand. Waiting for the perfect time to tell you. But the perfect time will never come. It never does.

And as I wait, two pairs of feet walk in sync. One pair, a girls. The other pair, the boy with black hair.

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