Ch. 12.

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Demi's POV.

"You let him kiss you!?" Juliana freaked,my own sister," was um...I'm not going to was breathtaking..his kiss...was one of the best kisses I have had for awhile..." I blushed,"When was your last best kiss?"  she asked.

"Um...that guy I met at the beach...." I looked down a little,"So are you dating this guy?" she raised a brow,"No...we're just friends...JUST friends,Jules..he even said it was just a friendly kiss.." I sat down,sipping my tea,"Girl,you need to get back into the dating scene!" she said.

I rolled my eyes,"I don't care about relationships right now,maybe when Damon starts school,but right now my priority is him and raising him into  a good gentleman..I'm sorry,I'm still young,I'll have plenty of time." I looked at her.

She sighed,"I guess you're right.." she sat down,"I just want you to be happy.." she looked at me,"I am happy,my job makes me happy,and Damon makes me happy." I smiled,staring at my tea,"He invited to his brother's engagement party..." I stirr my tea.

Juliana gave me this look,"AS FRIENDS." I rolled my eyes,"But..I don't know if I want to go..I'm afraid it'll become something.." I got up and put my cup in the sink,"Look, I'm not going to tell you my opinion,but I'm going to tell you to follow your heart." she put her cup in the sink,"Thanks..." I grinned,"Well,I gotta head back to work,call if you need anything. Love you sis." she hugged me,then she headed out.

Joe's POV.

"Morning,babe." I grinned with my eyes closed,"It's 12:14." she giggled,she climbed on top of me,"Well good noon,babe.." I opened my eyes to see the naked beauty on me,she bent down,until her body was touching mine,she laid her lips on my neck,I ran my hands through her long  hair. 

I flipped her over,I started to give her a few wet kisses and then I started to leave a trail of kisses down to her breast,I start moving my finger in circular motion around her nipples,she giggles at me,I smirked at her,I then reached my neck back up to her face and kissed her lips lightly. 

I kissed down her body. My lips finally met her spot,I smirked against her warm skin,I got on my knees,I looked at her in the eyes,I smiled lightly,I then slipped my manhood into her and started thrusting slowly in her.

We kept at this moment for a good 15 minutes. Chloe got out of the bed and slipped on my shirt,"I'm going to make us some brunch." she smiled and headed into the kitchen of ou suite,I slipped on pants then I grabbed my phone.

"Dammit,I missed a call from Nick." I went to the couch and sat down,I dialled up Nick,I placed my feet on the table,all stretched out,"Oh hello brother." Nick said,"Hey,sorry I missed your call last night." I rubbed my eyes,"What were you doing at 11:30 at night?" he asked.

"Taking photos." I yawned,"Bullshit. What were you really doing?" he asked,"Why are you so curious? Maybe I was asleep." I laughed,"I know you. You usually go to bed late and you usually answer when I call." he whined.

"Can we just forget about this? What did you want?" I layed  my head up,"Dude,I think I'm in love,no scratch that,I know I'm in love."  he said,I smiled,"That Dee is beautiful hun?" I got a glare from Chloe,I winked at her,"Yes!! She's fucking changing me,man. I don't know if I like it or not... because she's making me a different man,dude." 

I laughed,"Take a breath,Nick....she is not changing you,you're doing that to yourself..Is she coming to the party?" I bit my lip,"She told me she has to think about it...dude,I really want her to be my date.." he said,"Keep begging,man...I really want to meet this girl that is making you go crazy. The party would be complete if I see her." I smiled.

"Okay,okay,I'll try,but I don't want to bug her." Nick said,"Right,but just please try and make her come,do anything...I want to meet this Dee." I smiled,"Alright,well,I have to go." he yawned,"Alright,see you later,bro." I hung up.

"Here's your soup." Chloe smiled,then she sat next to me,"Thanks,beautiful." I pecked her lips.I ate some of my soup,"So what's the schedule for today? We only have a few weeks left." I looked at her,"We're suppose to go to the smokies mountains for some scenery pictures,then I think we should go to Dollywood,for some attraction pictures." she suggested.

"Then we could go on the rides?" I looked at her,she giggled,"This is a job,babe." she ate her soup,"I know,but wait until we get there and we see people having fun on those rodes,you'd be like,'Oh Joe,let's get on some rides.' " I smirked,"Just watched." I sipped my soup.

"You don't know me,Joseph." she smiled,"I sure hope I do." I raised my brows,"Cause I am marrying you." I smiled,I pecked her cheek,"I love you babe." I finished my soup,then I got up and put my bowl in the sink,I looked at Chloe and she looked at me,she slowly put her bowl down,"NO!" I ran to the bathroom,"I WANT TO SHOWER FIRST!" she screamed,"YOU SHOWERED FIRST YESTERDAY!" I ran to the bathroom,"Love you." I pecked her lips quickly then shut the door.

"Maybe we could shower together." she suggested,I laughed,"You're not tricking me,I said that yesterday,so you snooze,babe." I smiled,"C'mon." she knocked on the door,"I take longer."  she pouted,"Skip the makeup. You don't need it. See you soon,babe." I started the water.

Demi's POV.

I watched Damon sleep,I smiled a little.

"JULIANA!!" I ran out of the bathroom,she jumped,"Ah,what?" she looked at me,she stood up once she found out I was crying,"What's wrong?" she cupped my face,"I'm..I'm pregnant..." I cried out,"Aww baby,it's going to be okay." she hugged me,"I promise you...we'll give this baby a better life than we had.." she hugged my tight.

Damon is my life now,he has saved me from everything,I love my son so much. I try to imagine my life without him,and I can't imagine my life without him. He's my rock right now.

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