video chat

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allys p.o.v.

I woke up at 5:30 to go to work at sonic boom.

when I got there I unlocked the store and just hang around. sense nobody comes to buy an instrument at 6:00 in the morning.

suddenly I got a buzz from my ipad and seen it was austin requesting a video chat.

Austin- ally!

ally- hi Austin!

Austin- I miss you.

ally- aww Austin I miss you too.

Austin- I knew that you open up sonic boom at 6:00am so I thought I would be the first person you talk to today. (he says smiling)

ally- that's so sweet. :) weres trish?

(austin moved the camera over to trish sleeping in the bed behind him. ally and austin both start laughing)

ally- right, of course asleep :)

so were are you at already?

austin- were in London! (he says in an excited tone)

ally- oh my goddness I love london!! (she says smiling)

Austin- I'll make sure to take plenty of pictures :)

ally- you don't have to do that austin.

austin-no I want to see how happy you look when you actually see the pictures. :-)

ally- your so sweet I miss you.

austin-(looks into allys eyes and says in a sad tone) I miss you too.

ally- listen austin, about yesterday, when I said I love you, I hope I didn't make things weird between us. (she says worried.)

Austin-(smiles) of course not. im actually really happy you told me because I feel the same way. I really do love you ally. the only regret I have is not telling you sooner.

ally- (a tear gently comes from one eye)

austin- are you crying? Please don't cry ally your gonna make me cry.

ally-(whips tear and smiles) I hope you have fun on your show tonight.

austin- thank you (smiles) I hope you have a fun night too.

ally- whaaaaat of course I will! (she says smiling) im gonna be writing songs all day! but it's probably not gonna as fun as watching you preform those songs.

austin- I wish I could hug you right now.

(suddenly a customer walks in and starts to look around)

ally- I have to go, people are starting to come inside. (she says blushing a little)

Austin- ok bye ally! (he says waving through the screen)

ally- bye Austin! (she says doing the same)

austin- good luck with those songs and work! :-)

(ally smiles big and laughs as trish suddenly wakes up glaring at austin for shouting and waking her up. austin looks back and smiles as he watches ally laugh.)

ally- good luck with your performance :) (gets close to the screen) *whispers* and trish

Austin- thank you :) im gonna need it. bye!

(austin hangs up and ally puts up her ipad to help the customer.)

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