1. A First Meeting

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As per usual, Prem was late this morning. He was always late on Wednesdays as the first class was a study-hour. His classmates barely paid him any attention as he strolled inside the classroom and sat down behind his desk.
His friends had all gathered by the desk next to his and he lazily turned to them and listened to their conversation for a few minutes before interrupting.

"What are you talking about?"

The guys turned to him.

"Ah, New! Have you heard we're getting a new student coming today?"

He raised an eyebrow at this information. A new student? On a Wednesday? Wasn't it the middle of the semester? Why would the school accept a new student at such a time?

"This is the first I'm hearing about it. So what? Why are you all so excited about this?"

One of the others answered this.

"I heard he got kicked out of his previous school. They said he pissed off the wrong people there because he's.. different."

Another guy laughed and pushed the other.

"Oh, come on, that's not what you said before! The guy isn't different, he's a freaking retard!"

The excitement died out completely and they all looked at Prem, awaiting his reaction. The boy who had spoken suddenly realized what he had said and he stared at Prem with wide, terrified eyes.
Prem slowly sat up straight, got out of his seat and leaned over the boy, supporting himself by putting one hand on the desk. The other one grabbed the boy's shirt and pulled him closer. Prem still looked calm and his voice didn't sound the least bit enraged.

"That's an extremely derogatory word you just used.. Brim, I'm telling you right now to never use that word again.. got it?"

With that, Prem let Brim go before returning to his seat.
The others murmured behind Brim.

"How could he forget Prem has an older sister with Downs Syndrome? Brim must be stupid."

Prem glared at them.

"I can still hear you, you're not soundproof."

Yet another boy went on as if nothing had happened and they all continued their exciting conversation.

"So anyway, this new guy. What do you think is wrong with him? I mean if he's so disabled, he can't take care of himself, why would they put him in a normal school?"

"Dude, you can't take care of yourself either and they let you go here.."

"True! His mom does, like, everything for him! I've been to his house and it's freaking hilarious!"

Teasing and laughing followed. Prem dug through his backpack and picked out his books for next class. He didn't feel like joining this particular conversation.

"I heard the new kid doesn't have parents. They died when he was, like, six or something."

"Really? That's so sad!"

"So he's an orphan or what?"

"He lives with his older sister, I think. She supports them by herself."

"That's so brave of her!"


"Well, my mom always nags us about what a freaking chore we are to take care of and we're not even.. you know.. different.. so his sister must think he's a pain in the ass."

Prem muttered at them.

"I'd bet you a thousand Baht you're an even bigger pain in your mom's ass than anyone.. like, ever.. in the history of everything.."

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