Chapter 9X ~ Final

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The Girl In the Rose Coloured Dress

(Last chappie)

Chapter 9X

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arieanne's POV

I slipped on the clothing that he gave me and I eventually found out that it's a rose coloured dress.

Oh it's beautiful! I mean like, the dress shows my breasts that have gotten bigger and it just looks like a rose with some white ruffles here and there. (A/N: Look at the Cover!!!)

I did my hair and makeup and now I look fabulous. Time for what I've been waiting for all my life!

Every step I made, was killing me cause the feeling of me being half empty is annoying the shit out of me.

Every step I made were getting closer and closer to the door that would leave me to the hell outside.

When I stepped one foot outside, I already regretted looking.

When I turned around I saw him and my beautiful baby . . .

She's wearing the same thing as me but just in a cute baby outfit! Man she looks so adorable! I just wanna pinch her cheeks, but that would take most of my energy.

And I am tired but I pushed that feeling away and turned around facing the hell outside.

I walked down the porch steps, away from the dieing Yale and away from Luckas.

I sensed his footsteps behind me with my daughter in his hands.

Then I heard it . . . the clicking of a gun. I smiled knowing what's coming ahead.

"Well well well. One's dead and another is dead!" He said from behind me and I looked over my shoulder to see that he pointed the gun at Luckas.

I just smirked evily and stood there waiting for the next action.

"Good-bye!" He said, while turning the gun to the side, my child still in his hands watching this . . . and he shot Luckas in the head.

Blood poured from his head down onto the porch and blood was everywhere.

My Wolf whimpered at the death of OUR lover.

I wiped a tear that mananged to break free from my eyes. I turned my head and saw that there were restless wolves all around. Many Rogues and some from my old pack . . .

This is what they deserve and I deserve all the happiness in this world!

I turned my head to the left which is opposite from the dead body of Luckas. And turned my full attention to the now, unconcious body of my mate's . . . Yale!

I felt my Wolf howl and break down inside. Even though he rejected us, doesn't mean that I wouldn't feel anything for him.

I walked over to him and bent down on one knee and whispered into his lifeless body, "I know that you rejected me . . . maybe you did it for a reason. I dunno why and I don't care! But I would love for you to understand that I've always loved you as family. And I only wanted one thing from you . . ."

I left it at that, got up and walked over into the spot I was about a minute ago.


I hold onto my neck and I felt something warm . . . Like my body was re-joicing itself to become whole again.

And that's when I knew it was time.

I nodded my head and I bet HE saw it. I mumbled my last words, "I loved you Yale like family. I loved you Luckas like family. Never have I ever expected our lives to be in this condition. So I'm sorry that I brung you two into a life of Hell . . . I had to! It was either, I gave up on my life and sold it to him or was to give up on the main things that I loved.

And it was my decision to give up on what I loved. I never knew what such pain and hatred I would open up to. But I knew this . . . that love has always been strong - strong in such a way that neither I 'nor you guys could handle. So I'm sorry and I just needed to say these last few words. I was that girl in that dress that night. And I was that girl who decided that THIS time's right. And I WAS that girl in the Rose coloured dress . . ."

And after I said that I heard the same 'BOOM!' from the gun and when I felt the pain. I knew that I had done one thing right.

Sacrificed my life for them . . .


A/N: Hey there! Yeah last chapter! Song is Russian Roulette by Rihanna!

So thnx for supporting the story. (NOT EDITED YET!!!)

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And get ready for the sequel, The Girl In the White Dress!!!

<(^o^)> ~ That's a birdie singing I love you! X-*

And read my other stories too. Comment + vote and fan if you'd like! ^o^

It means the world to hear what you guys think and all that.

The Girl In the Rose Coloured Dress (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ