Storming The Castle

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(Y/n): Ahem.

Preston: Everyone's here, General.

Are you sure about that?

Preston: There it is. Pretty impressive, huh? It's real name is Fort Independence, but the Minutemen just called it the Castle. Now you can see why I wanted to take it back.

(Y/n): Well... it's definitely one of a kind.

Preston: That's right. They don't make them like they used to.

Leaning a little to the right, I could see a giant ass hole in one of the walls.

(Y/n): Gee, I wonder why?

Preston: We take this place back, people will know we mean business. Our primary objective is to clear the court yard. That's  where we should see the most opposition. The wall on this side is the most exposed. But if we circle around south? We could also reach the main gate.

M.m.1: What are we waitin' for? Let's just get in there and shoot those lobsters!

M.m.2: No! If we split up, we can flank them from both sides. It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel!

M.m.3: Why not let them come to us? We set up a firing line on this side and you can draw them out.

Preston: Well, General, what do you think?

(Y/n): Hmmm... You all get ready on this side, I'll head in and ring the dinner bell.

Preston: Sounds good. We'll hold back and wait for them to come to us. Just don't get yourself trapped in there. Alright people, you heard the General! Let's move out! Try not to draw their attention until we're in position.

(Y/n): Yes, moooom.

As they get to their positions, I pull out my combat rifle and head through the hole in the wall while setting a few mines down.

(Y/n): Wakey wakey, bitches!


All over the court yard, mirelurks popped out of the ground and started scuttling towards me. I run back to the firing line and take my position.

(Y/n): Get ready.

In a few seconds, we saw the mines going off at the wall by the mirelurks. After the explosions, more of those crustaceans came right at us.

(Y/n): Fire!

*bang bang bang**pew pew**bang*
And all that crap.

As more mirelurks keep coming, we keep shooting. Until the last one was brought down by Preston.

(Y/n): Move in.

We make our way through the wall and into the Castle.

Preston: Alright people, spread out and clear the eggs in the court yard. The General and will deal with any more inside the Castle.

M.m.1: Yes sir!

Preston: Let's do this, General.

Over time, we cleared out any eggs and left over mirelurks. I walked back outside with Preston.

3rd p.o.v.

(Y/n): Any more left?

Preston: Just a few on the wall, and that should be it.

(Y/n): Awesome. Let's head up and-


(Y/n): ...Preston?

(Y/N)'s Misadventures in The CommonwealthKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat