IX: Boys and Emperors

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It was weeks later that you finally lost your patience. You had been training with both Kylo Ren and Hux, and soldiers had been spreading rumours about how you're whoring yourself out to the two commanding officers. As you take an empty tray for your lunch, two pilots stand on either side, chatting happily.
»So I heard you became a whore cause you couldn't be a pilot anymore?« One says and the other one follows, »I heard she does 'em both at the same time.«
»I'm surprised you're able to hear anything at all when your mouth's overflowing with shit.« You calmly reply causing some of the nearby men and women to chuckle in response. The pilots don't take it too well though.
»What was that, bitch?« The first one replies and you smirk, »you didn't hear me say that?«

As you weave away from them, one hits the bottom of the tray and food flies everywhere, including your uniform. Everyone was just watching now. You look at him as he grabs you by the collar. »You'll show me some respect, whore.«
»You don't deserve respect. And I'm not a whore.« You knee him in the groin, causing him to fall to his knees. Then your knee connects with his chin and spits blood as he hits the ground. The other pilot, whom you had completely forgotten about, grabs you from behind, constricting your arms. You kick from the ground and smash your head against his forehead. You punch him straight in the neck, his body slumping to the ground.

Stormtroopers invade the mess hall and point their weapons at you. Raising your arms in defeat, you follow them to the nearest commanding officer. Who just happen to be both Ren and Hux on the bridge.
»Why do reports of brawls come to my desk, Mitchell?«
»I defended myself.«
»Sir, she started the fight with two senior officer pilots.« A Stormtrooper interrupts and you glare, »you weren't even there. You were being as useless as always, standing on the sidelines, enjoying a show.«
»That's enough!« Hux orders with a commanding tone and everyone falls quiet, your body shivering in fear. You know he can be gentle, but he can also be very hard.

»You're suspended pending a formal hearing, Mitchell.« Hux says with certainty and your eyes go wide, numbness travelling through your body. You expected a punishment, but nothing as severe. Your eyes dart everywhere as you try to recollect your thoughts, hands shaking as you clasp them into a fist.
»You're dismissed.« His voice rings in your ears and you nod robotically. »Yes, sir.« You reply and head out, nearly stumbling down the garbage shute when everything settles in. Tears gather in the corner of your eyes and you slide down a wall in an abandoned hallway. Trying to calm yourself down enough to get back to your room, you gasp and whimper. A tall figure in black clothing stands nearby, observing you.

»What do you want?« You whisper and suck in your lips, gritting your teeth to keep the sobs down. He steps closer and you glare, »don't come near me. You're as much to blame as him.«
»General Hux.«
Leaning your head back, the tears freely fall down your cheeks. »So this is what I get for defending my own? I may be sleeping with the General, but that does not make me a whore.«
»Not interested in your petty sob story.«
»I wasn't even talking to you.« You reply curtly to his sharp statement and get up from your current position. You walk past him and chuckle, »it's sad. You think it's all about you.«
»You think the same.«
»That's where you're wrong, Commander. When it comes to my business, my life, it is about me. But you, you just think everyone's life revolves around you. You have any idea how much pain you've caused me the past two months? No, because you're selfish and cruel. And whatever fate has happened to you, you deserve it.«

His hand outstretches and he tries to use his Force to grab you. But your anger is fueling whatever power you possess. His body flies backwards and slumps against the durasteel wall, ragged breaths leaving the voicebox in his mask. Another memory flashes in front of your eyes – a small girl and Kylo as a boy both being trained to use the Force by a Jedi. While the boy could do everything, the girl couldn't even concentrate properly. She looks so much like you. You gasp and break eye contact with Kylo's body, leaning forward and clutching your stomach. Yellow bile moves past your eosophagus and out between your lips, hitting the grate underneath your feet.

Kylo gets on his two feet and stares at you, removing his mask. His black locks fall around his face, brown eyes staring into your green ones.
»Are you... Are you the little boy?«
»Yes. That was me training to become a Jedi by Luke Skywalker.«
»And who's the girl? She seems so familiar.«
»Me? Why would I be training to be a Jedi? I... I can't even use the Force.«
He steps closer and you raise your arm perpendicular to your body, halting him in his motion. He sighs, »while you may not be using the Force exactly, the principals work the same. Let me teach you.«

A chortle leaves your lips, »all I want is to be a pilot. Not some magician in a black cloak.«
He chuckles and you shake your head, turning on your heels. »Let's forget this ever happened. Good day, sir.« You leave before he could respond and head back to your quarters, your fast pace turning into a sprint. Past Stormtroopers, pilots, officers, engineers. Ignoring everyone's stares and greetings, you lock the door behind you and disable the emergency override.

Soldiers Of The Eclipse [General Hux x OC]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat