14-Old Tree Dude Sends Us on a Quest, and What in the World does Anei Mean?

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"So, what exactly is Sun Village?" I asked Erza. We were making our way to this village, since Old Tree Dude (sorry, Warrod Sequin), told us we have to restore a village, due to it being frozen. Obviously, both Natsu and Gray could've handled this one, but since they weren't being cooperative with each other, me, Erza, Lucy, Wendy, and the exceeds had to tag along to make sure they got the job done.

"I'm not sure," she muttered, "Legend says that they had an eternal flame burning at the center. It is like their patron deity."

"Cool." I continued walking with her, not making any sort of eye-contact with Gray. He did the same as well.

The others looked uncomfortable, like they want to say something, but aren't sure what. Even though the fight was about five months ago, I'm still not going to talk to him.

"So, um, today's weather is pretty nice, eh?" Lucy said, trying to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah," both I and Gray answered at the same time. We glared at each other then turned away.

"Let's focus on reviving the giants. That is what we were sent here to do!" Carla snapped, getting our attention. In her harsh, bossy ways, she is right.

As we were going there, the wind seemed to blow harder. I stood there, my hair blowing in the wind. Ultear, I thought, what would you think of me now?

I started off, as we continued walking. I wished that our situation was better than the one we have right now.

I glanced behind me. Gray and Natsu seemed to be whispering about something, I wonder what? 

I can't shake the feeling off. I was still angry at Gray, but I tried not to think about it. And between all of my problems, I was pretty quiet. Erza looked at me with concern, while Lucy and Wendy were laughing about something.

"Hey," Erza said, startling me, "if there's something wrong, you could always tell me. I won't make fun or anything like that."

I considered. Erza is older and wiser than me. it would be great to get some advice.

But, I knew that I had to do everything myself. I can't drag other people into my problems. I didn't want to hurt them.

Suddenly, a gust of wind knocked me down the hill we were standing on. "Y/N!" everyone called, but I couldn't regain my balance.

Once I was far from reach from everybody, I stopped rolling. I groaned, too pained to move. I tried to see if anyone was there, but it seemed like there was no one. 

Then I noticed an unfamiliar presence. Someone, definitely not from Earthland was here. 

A ghostly figure of a man appeared. "Y/N," his voice hissed, "so weak without her true powers. I'll help you with that."

"Hypnos," I muttered. Then I blinked. "Woah, what? Who's Hypnos?"

"Your really grand grandfather," he said smugly, "I've come to collect you to your rightful home, lost princess."

"Uh, no one's collecting me," I tried to look intimidating, but it was hard when you're lying on the floor half-asleep. I tried to summon magic, but my sleeping senses were kicking in.

"Who are you?" I asked. Then I shook my head. "I mean, how do I know you?"

"Keep guessing, lost princess. You'll find out eventually." He smiled smugly. "Now, why don't we commence our fighting, shall we?" He said "lost princess" respectfully.

He punched me. I rolled away, grunting. He tried to shoot me with a blast of magical energy. I deflected with a weak ice shield. He tried to kick me in the ribs, and I blasted him with a wave of snow.

This went on for at least an hour. 

Finally, I was panting and dripping with sweat. Hypnos, whoever he is, wasn't. He wasn't even hit with my shots. It was like he's immortal, or something.

"Wow, this place has really done you in," he said, "you aren't even half as powerful as you're supposed to be, lost princess." Now he said it like an insult like he couldn't believe I had the right to have this title.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I snapped. For some reason, I didn't care if he seemed to be immortal. Apparently, I have a dislike for those kinds of people.

"Don't twalk to yowr Gwandpwa that way," he said, mocking me. My senses inside were on fire; how dare he treat me like this?

Before I knew what was happening, I was on fire, but not any kind. Black fire. I yelped, but they didn't distinguish.

"You see," he said cruelly, "I knew you were the one, the dark one. You're going to make all your siblings seem so kind and generous, once you find out your true potential. You are such a monster. How delightful!" The ghoul cackled.

"I don't know what in the world you're talking about, or who you are, but you don't call me a monster!" I roared, "you have no right to do this to me, your superior!"

Inside, in my sane areas of my mind, I thought, what in the world am I doing? Is this guy making me snap? Part of me wanted to continue going and blast this guy to smithereens for being so disrespectful to me, but the other part of me wanted to stop. I know I'm not like this. I'm a gentle child of Ur, who has friends and an older sister, and, yes, maybe a potential love interest. I'm not a scary monster. I can't be.

But all that didn't matter now. As I roared, Hypnos laughed and clapped his hands with delight. "Tha's it!" he cried, "I knew you had it in you! That's enough." He snapped his fingers, and my flames disappeared, leaving me feeling weak and depressed. He snapped his fingers again, and I drifted to sleep.

I can't be a monster, a small part of me thought, I can't. But the rest of me knew better.

"Well, well, lost princess, or should I say, Anei, you are going to have a great time with the leader later. He is going to wake you up fully. Then, you could help me and the others wipe all of the gods and your friends off the face of the earth. It will be so exciting! I can't wait!" He disappeared, making me wish I was never born to have such demonic powers.

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