Child's Play

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Amelia POV

I was going to drop Avalyn with my mom after the concert. My mom was going to meet me at the concert. Avalyn insisted on watching the performance. It was now noon and I was doing final measurements to ensure everything was perfect.

"Mommy!" Avalyn screamed running over to me.

I was currently sizing Princeton.

"Yes Avalyn?" I asked her.

"Diggy needs to talk to you." She said giggling.

"And how is this amusing?" I asked laughing at her.

She just ran away laughing.

"That girl I swear.." I said shaking my head,"She's up to something."

"She's an angel." Princeton said defending her.

I laughed at him,"Don't let that cute face fool you. She is schemy."

"You gonna stop talking about my princess like that," I heard a voice that didn't belong to Prince say.

I looked up to see Diggy giving Avalyn a piggy-back ride.

"That's right," Avalyn said sticking her tongue out at me.

"Ava said you needed to talk to me." I said while mean mugging Ava.

Diggy put Ava down next to him. And she mugged me back.

"Yeah. In private though." Diggy said looking at Princeton

"Welp Ava. Let's go get some ice cream." Prince said picking up Ava.

"Alright! See you later mommy!" Ava said.

I waved at her then looked back at Diggy.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I asked Diggy.

"Us." He replied simply.

I was taken back at first. I didn't think I was ready for where this conversation was heading.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I just want to say sorry for all the shit I put you through. I was young and dumb- not saying that's an excuse but it was factor. I'm not asking for forgiveness, I just want you to know." He said.

I shed a tear," I forgive you Danny. Thank you. And I want to say sorry as well. It was completely wrong for me to pretend to be 'Amy'. "

"It's alright. So can we go back to how we were."

I started singing," Memories keep playing back, all the nights we used to love. Just wondering how we used to was, how we used to was."

He started laughing at me, "You listen to her too much." He said to me.

"Leave me alone," I said walking away from him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him, "Wait."

My heart started racing as I gazed into his eyes, "Ye- Yeah?"

I felt like a teenager again. In just a second, I fell for Daniel Dwayne "Diggy" Simmons for a third time. He traps me in this spell and everytime I attempt to get out, there's something telling me to go back. I hate that he has this effect on me. But I'm not sure if things will ever be the same between us. Maybe it's not suppose to be the same. Maybe-

"I don't get a hug?" Diggy said taking me away from my thoughts.

I laughed at him and opened my arms up to him.

After the concert

"Hey mama... How have you been?" I asked my mama while giving her Ava's things.

Love Isn't A Game (Sequel To Lying Games) Diggy Simmons Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now