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Amelia POV

"Mommy!" Avalyn said waking me up.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I replied half awake.

"Diggy wants to talk to you." She said while giggling.

Over the past few days, Avalyn grew very close to Diggy and it was scaring me. 

"Okay." I got out of my comfy bed only wearing a t-shirt and some spanks.

Ava dragged me to the front room.

"Good Morning Daniel." I said groggily.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Daniel laughed," Too bad it's not morning anymore. It's noon."

i freaked out, " Oh my gosh, did Avalyn eat, who dressed her! I can't believe I overslept."

"Mommy, I got ready myself." Ava said bluntly.

"And I took her to IHOP for breakfast, she's fine." Diggy said.

"Is that why you're here." I asked.

"No, I'm actually here to tell you about the dinner tonight." Diggy started.

"What dinner?" I cut him off.

"You gon' let me finish." Diggy laughed.

"Go on." I rolled my eyes, he so fucking rude.

"I wanted to invite everyone to dinner to say 'thank you'" Diggy said.

"Well sorry I can't come, I don't have or trust anybody to take care of Avalyn. So enjoy dinner." I said cutting him off again and started walking back so I could go back to sleep.

He pulled my arm back, "If you would stop talking so much and listen, you would know that I'm inviting you AND Avalyn. So go get pretty," he paused," Or at least try. And be at the restaurant in this hotel by 6:45."

I punched him in the arm, "I swear I've never hated someone so much in my life."

He put his hand on his heart and pretended he was hurt," Hate is a strong word."

I just laughed at him, we weren't down each other's throats anymore because I didn't want Avalyn to see us arguing. 

"Bye Daniel," I said pushing him out of the hotel room.

I turned back to Avalyn," Do you have any dresses in your bags."

She shook her head no.

" Alright, let's go shopping." I said.

I put on some jeans, grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

"What type of dress would you like to wear." I asked her as we walked the streets of New York.

"Something red." She replied," and pretty."

We walked into a baby boutique type store and went to the toddler section. She pulled out about five thousand dresses.

"I like these." She said.

I laughed at her as we went to fitting rooms. She complained about every single dress she tried on.

"How about this one." I asked while holding out a light red/pinkish dress with rosettes. 

"I like this one mommy." She said after she tried it on.

"Come here," I said as i put a black belt with a gold bow around her waist, "perfect."

We bought the dress with light red/pinkish flats with a gold bow on it.

"What are you going to wear mommy?" 

"I don't know." I replied.

"Then let's go buy something."


We walked to Forever 21 which was surprisingly empty.

"I like that one." Avalyn said pointing to a gold bodycon dress with a draped back.

"I do too." I answered.

I payed for the dress and when we got to the hotel it was 3:45.

"Alright let's start getting ready." I said to Ava.

I showered her and lotioned her. Then I put her dress on.

"How do you want your hair?" I asked.

"straight. " She replied.

I straightened her hair, putting a curls here and there to give it volume. And i gave her swoosh bangs, so they covered one eye. I looked at the time, and it was 5:15.

"Alright, just chill and I'm going to go get ready." 

I did the hygiene thing and started to do my hair. I straightened it then put it in a high bun. Then for my makeup, I just did the natural look then added red lipstick and exaggerated my lashes.


"Yeah" I answered.

"Can I wear makeup."

"Well you're too young for makeup but I'll some lipstick on you and someone mascara if you would like." I replied.

She smiled brightly and nodded her head yes. I put red lipstick on her and a little bit of clear mascara on her. It was 6:40. So I quickly put on my dress which fit perfectly hugging every single curve. And my black louboutins with the gold heel. And my diamond studs. Then I took some pictures of Avalyn and I and put it on instagram. When we left the hotel room it was 6:46.

Diggy POV

Everybody was on time besides Amelia and Avalyn.

"Stop stressing Digs, she'll be here in like a minute." Alex said," It's only 6:50"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah man, you got to remember, she has a child. People with children always run later, especially when they have toddlers." Ray said making everyone laugh.

I checked my phone and saw Amelia posted pictures on Instagram.

"Nah, it's because she so busy taking pictures." I said passing my phone around the table.

"Shit if I was her I would be taking pictures too, she sexy as hell." Ray said looking towards the entrance.

I looked in his direction to see Amelia walking out looking as beautiful as ever. 


Boring chapter, but that's alright. I just put this out there so y'all would stop complaining about my lack of updates. I will try to update more often, Probably every Friday/Saturday/Sunday if I have time. But I really love you guys and appreciate your support.


Love Isn't A Game (Sequel To Lying Games) Diggy Simmons Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now