Chapter 9: Never Let You Down

Start from the beginning

In the men's locker room, Spike stood staring at Lou's locker as a plaque hung there with his name and picture on it. Tears began to fill his eyes but he quickly wipes them away as someone walks in. "Spike" Greg whispers and Spike looks over towards him. "You ready?" Greg then asks. "Sure" Spike answers bluntly as he takes one more look at the plaque and then leaves the locker room with Greg.

Alex leaves the locker room and notices a maintenance guy removing the sign above the locker room that read Jules & Alex and replaces it with a sign that just read Woman's on it. She shakes her head slowly and walks towards the briefing room to see the team sitting around the table and Greg standing at the front. "Good morning, Team One" Alex announces as she heads to the front to stand with her dad. "Good morning" Jules replies as Alex catches eyes with Spike. They both stare at each other for a second and then Alex looks away and towards the rest of the Team. "Barring any calls, it's gonna be a light day. No warrants until this afternoon, so i'm thinking we patrol. You okay with that, Eddie?" Alex explains as she looks towards Eddie. "Yup. Good with that" Eddie nods. "Good. Okay" Alex breaths and looks around the table again as Greg takes a seat in one of the two chairs in front of her. And then Alex realizes the new face. "Leah Kerns, first day. Welcome. We're gonna take it easy today....And i'm sure you remember everyone from the recruiting trials, So, I won't embarrass you with any speeches" Alex then says as she takes a seat next to her father. "Can I say something?" Leah then asks curiously. "Floor's yours" Alex nods and Leah stands up from her chair.

Everyone from the table looks towards her as she smiles. "Thank you for choosing me. I know why i'm here. You're down a guy and i'm replacing him" she begins to say as everyone then looks down towards the table slowly. "Don't hate me for it. Firefighting unit I served with, we lost one of ours, so I know what that's like. If you wanna talk about it?" Leah continues to say. "We're good" Jules then quickly states and Leah sits down. "Jules" Alex whispers as she looks towards Jules and then back up at Leah. "Thank you, Leah. Like I said before, it's going to be an easy day-" Alex then says but suddenly the alarm sounds. "Team one, suit up. Suit up. Shots fired" Winnie's voice loudly. "Let's go!" Eddie demands as he bangs his hand on the table. Jules then stands up and looks down at Alex furiously. "Time and a place" Alex states as she walks by and notices Jules look back at Leah before walking out of the room with the rest of the team. "You can ride with me" Alex smiles as Leah follows behind her.


Alex speeds down the busy downtown streets behind Eddie's car with Jules' car behind her. "We have gunshot reports at Eighty-One Twelve Wolf Trail Crescent" Winnie announces. "Copy" Alex answers. "It's pretty amazing how you're a Sergeant along with your father" Leah then says. "The Team calls me Sarge, and him Boss. But, don't worry if you get it wrong" Alex snickers. "I will definitely try not to" Leah replies. "Look, the team is not usually a pain in the ass like they are today. But like you said, we did lose someone. He saved my life, by taking his own" Alex explains slowly. "Well, I guess it shows how strong you are, because here you are being nice to me. While I feel as though everyone else sees me as a bad guy" Leah sighs as she looks out the window. "They will come around, I promise. Just give them time" Alex advises as she begins to slow the car down and pulls up next to the curb behind Eddie.

Alex jumps out of the car and runs towards her father as he walks beside a Police Officer. "How long since the shot was fired?" Greg asks curiously as Alex gives him a small pat on the shoulder to let him know she was there. "About fifteen minutes" the officer answers as the three of them continue to walk. "I'm pretty sure we have a hostage situation in there" the officer continues as he then stops and turns around to face Alex and Greg. "Okay, any of your officers try to make contact?" Alex then questions. "No, I told my guys to maintain a hard perimeter and wait for the cavalry" the officer answers quickly and Alex smiles and nods her head. "Thank you" she says.

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