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     The year is 1940 the place Great Britain. The air is cold and damp but that is the least of the citizens' worries, sirens blair but they can hardly be heard over the sounds of explosions. The streets are flooded with people, most heading towards train stations and community Anderson Shelters. However one pair of feet is running in the opposite direction. 

      A tall lanky creature of about seven feet stopped in front of an almost completely demolished apartment complex. With seemingly no effort it hoisted itself over the smoldering rubble and began silently sifting through the content of each destroyed room. Despite the layer of ash and dirt on the ground this peculiar personage left no footprints as it shoved various pieces of debris into a bag slung over its jagged shoulder. It ducked into a new unit, for the doorways in this building were way too short for it. The creature caught its own ghoulish reflection in a shattered hanging mirror, and absent-mindedly waved to itself.Itwas definitely human, but the lack of flesh was rather confusing. Its sunken eyes gave off a faint amber light and had oblong pupils similar to a cat's. 

     The skeletal form straightened up and brushed off its baggie clothes, completely obvious to the chaos around it. It then pulled out a dented pocket-watch that had become detached from its chain. 

     " Blast! It's already 2:15", it said aloud returning to its usual  slumped  posture.

     " H-hello? Is someone there?" 

     The voice startled the creature and caused it to turn around. 

     " P-please, I need help! I'm stuck!"

     It ran toward a bookshelf where the voice seemed to be coming from, banging its skull on a beam in the process. Underneath the self was a small girl trembling with her knees close to her chest. 

     " Thank you Sir",she began to say but the creature scooped her up  and whisked her out of the building before she could finish. 


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