Untitled Story

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I thought I got rid of her. I promised I stabbed her straight through the heart, killing her instantly. I could have sworn I buried her in the pits of Hell with all my past relationships, stress, anxiety, and nightmares.

But she showed up at my door one evening, while I was getting ready for bed.

I was just finishing up my homework, taken my shower, and was brushing my teeth when the bell rang. I can't lie, I was actually really shocked to hear the bell ring this late at night. But after getting over the initial shock, I quickly finished brushing my teeth and called for them to wait a minute. Of course, me being on the top floor and then being on the porch didn't help with anything, so I heard the bell ring again. Pulling my bathrobe over my pyjamas (which was just my basketball shorts and a t-shirt), I slipped into my slippers and made my way down the stairs. I was wondering who could have been at my door, but I immediately thought it away as the neighbour asking me if I'd seen their cat. When I reached the bottom, the bell rang for the third time.

"I'm coming I'm coming," I muttered as I reached the door. Without peering to see who it was, I pulled the door open.

"No I haven't seen your-" I spoke, before a loud screech came from within me.

Purple eyes illuminated by the inside of my house were paired with a wild smile, dirt and gravel making their appearance as well. Chunks of her skin were missing, proudly showing off the bones and muscle she had underneath. Short black hair matted with mud and gunk sat atop her head, with that same stupid curl she always had crunched up and badly damaged. The spots I dug my knife through in her torso were covered in a dark shade of red, more dirt falling onto the floor. Tattered clothing barely stayed on her frail body, revealing more missing chucks of flesh.

I didn't know whether to throw up, slam the door in her face, or scream more. But all I could do was stand there in shock as she opened what was left of her mouth to speak, that wild grin still sitting on her face.

"I'm back from the dead! Aren't you glad to see me?"

Untitled Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now