Chapter 2: Rat Extermination (2)

Começar do início

From what he knew, turning something into smoke required heat. Though the level of heat was different for different things, it would always require some degree of heat. So first things first, maybe he should experiment with how much heat the poison needed to become smoke. 

Leon grabbed a bit of rope, his torch and the power and then went back down into the tunnels.

It seemed the rats were still cautious of the tunnel entrance, as there were very few of them hanging around there and they all scattered as soon as they saw him. He didn't really need the rats now though, he was just testing.

He carefully placed the cloth with the powder on down on the ground and then got the piece of rope out. The piece of rope wasn't particularly large, about twice the length of the cloth. Leon got his sword out and cut of two small pieces from the ends of the rope and laid them down next to the powder.

"So, test 1. Lighting the cloth and two pieces of rope on fire."

With his torch Leon carefully lit the end of each rope on fire and waited until the fire reached the powder.

The effect was... different than he had expected. 

The powder turned into a bright fire, and a purple smoke instantly began to spread through the tunnel.



in fact, the smoke was making Leon's HP tick down for every half a second that passed. The smoke wasn't thick, you could still see through it. But it seemed to have a secondary effect, Leon's torch had been extinguished. He couldn't see a single foot in front of him.

"Shit! This is bad!"


His HP kept ticking down as he touched the walls, trying to find the staircase.


He had already been in here for almost half a minute!

"I'm going to-"

He had found it! He had found the exit. He quickly ran up the stairs, an took a breath of fresh air as soon as he got up.

"I guess that was the first mistake of my career."

He smiled to himself, if he thought about it like that it felt like he had made some progress here.

"So it's easily flammable, huh..."

As he got back into the storage room he looked around for something he could use. He didn't need much, a piece of rope, some poison, a piece of cloth and some sort of canister would do.

Quest: Rat Extermination

Objective: Kill 2000 rats Current: 143/2000

Reward: ???

143 down, 1857 to go. It seemed the smoke from his little mistake had actually taken a few rats with it, which was just an added bonus.

"just you wait you rats, we're making poison bombs now."

No one could see it, but at this moment there was a particularly sadistic smile on Leon's lips.


He had spent a good half an hour in the storage room by now, and he had finished about ten of the small bombs. The canisters he had decided to use were small metal balls, they looked a lot like Christmas ornaments but without any sort of color except for metal. When he asked the older woman what they were for, she simply said they were for decorating houses so he should feel free to use them.

And use them he did. 

The method for making these bombs was actually very simple. First he put the cloth into the balls, covering the walls inside. Then, he would poke a few holes in the ball using his sword. The holes looked very uneven, but he was going for efficiency, not style. Next he would put a piece of rope in, it should be big enough to stick out through the hole he put it in while also reaching the other side inside the ball. And then finally, he would fill it with the poison. The cloth would keep the poison from spilling out through the holes until it turned to gas and the rope would be used to ignite the whole thing.

Learned Recipe: Rat Poison Bomb

This was the only notification he had gotten while crafting the first bomb. It seemed that after learning the recipe, all his crafting had been easier. He had probably spent about ten minutes on the first bomb while he only spent about two on each of the others.

"now then, let's test these guys out."

He once again went down to the tunnels with a new torch, as he had dropped the previous one. In his other hand he held a bag which contained the ten bombs.

As he stepped down, it seemed the smoke had already completely left the tunnel which was good.

"Let's begin then..."

He walked into the tunnel, rats scurrying away from him as they saw the light of his torch. After he had spent about five minutes walking straight forward through the tunnel he decided it was time. He quickly lit fire to the fuse of his first bomb and dropped it on the ground as he spun around and ran the other way. While running he grabbed another bomb and lit that as well, also dropping it. Counting to 20 each time, he dropped a bomb. 

Since he was now running instead of walking, it only took him 3 minutes to reach the staircase again.

"Last one."

He lit his last bomb one fire and placed it carefully by the staircase. 

Then he ran out of the tunnels and closed the door behind him.

"Now I just need to wait."

Saying this he went in to talk with the lady again, she gave him something else to eat while they waited and the two talked a bit. 

"By the way, I haven't heard your name yet."

"My name, well I'm Sierra. What's your name?"

"My name's P... Leon."

He had almost used his real name. It might not have done anything, but it was better for him to be on the safe side.


"It... It really worked!"

As Leon let out his victory yell Sierra couldn't help but look at him in confusion.

"Have you finished the mission already?"

"Yes! Come, let me show you."

Telling Sierra to follow him Leon went out to the backyard without even finishing his meal.

Dreamland MMORPG: Sea WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora