Why The Signs Are Sad

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Aries- After such a positive turn in the right direction, things have once again turned to shit.

Taurus- Everything is switching around much too quickly and there is barely time to sit and breathe.

Gemini- Things are being mundane and quiet, there is simply no life blossoming around them.

Cancer- Thoughts of paranoia and being a bother to others cannot seem to leave them alone, false as they may be.

Leo- Everyone has been distant. Nobody pays much attention to them. All they really want is to be shown some love.

Virgo- Thought after thought has taken them to a dark place full of unpleasant "What if's" and awful possible scenarios.  

Libra- They let themselves fall too far and forget that they matter, due to their preoccupation with helping others.

Scorpio- Once more, their all was given, however, it was simply not enough 

Sagittarius- There is nowhere to go and no one to be with. Nothing to try, no one to try it with. Loneliness has set in.

Capricorn- The high expectations they have set for themselves are finally making them tired, stressed and overworked.

Aquarius- They feel strange. So strange, that they wonder if they will ever experience life to it's fullest extent, and worry that they may not.

Pisces- They can try to sleep their pain off all they want, but when they wake up, they feel it once more. And the problems remain.

Wow, this just got depressing...

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