43: "Labor Day"

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18th of February, 2017

I take a seat next to Rikoshay and Emerald as I place a tray full of hot chips in the centre of a bench, overlooking the nearby beach. Everyone digs in as we all talk

"so, your actually gonna be a father? neat" Tiana says before throwing a chip into her mouth

"yeah, kinda scary but I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't excited" I respond

"wait, does this mean that we can all be counted as aunties and uncles?" Nikita asks excitedly as she grabs a couple chips, making everyone release a laugh.

"Yep, as far as I'm concerned your all family and your all welcome to visit them, as long as you ask first" I inform the group.

"Your lucky, Smoke, I mean, you and Cloudy have been together for a while, right? and from what I've heard, you and Cloudy will be great parents" Adrian says before Nikita snuggles up to his side

"and I'm gonna be the best aunt, aren't I?" she says, making him laugh

"heh, thanks ... Adrian, was it?" I nervously ask. I haven't really known the guy for that long but, from what everybody tells me, he's pretty ok, and, apparently, a great match for Niki.

"So, how's thngs going with Cloudy's cousin?" Tiana asks David with a cheeky grin, making Nikita suddenly burst out with laughter and making David blush till he's a crimson red.

"Wait, WHAT? Jacky is Cloudy's cousin?!" he yells, clearly shocked and confused by this sudden revelation, making all of us burst out with laughter, he even joins in a couple moments later. We all calm down moments later, I suddenly my phone vibrate in my pocket, I quickly clear my tears from the laughter before checking my phone. I see that there's one new message from Cloudy's mum appearing on my lock screen reading

'IT'S HAPPENING, GET HERE NOW!', I shift my expression from a smile to a look of shock as I realise what it mean,

"Shit, gotta go guys, its happening!" I yell as I shoot up out of my seat and run as fast as I can towards the hospital.

I rush my way to the hospital, reaching the front desk completely out of breath and with an excruciating amount of pain in my legs and lungs as I wheeze for breath

"Smoke? you better hurry to her room, its happening, go though" Sally says, I hurry through and find the room I visited last time. I get to Cloudy's room and go right on in, seeing Cloudy holding 2  small critters in her arms as she breastfeeds. I close the door behind me and get cloudy's attention, receiving a notion for me to come closer to her.

I approach the trio and sit down next to their bed before having a baby fox with wolf characteristics gently passed to me, it's eyes remain closed but he has white and grey fur with black rings around his eyes and on the tips of his ears

"that is little Alex" Cloudy says before slowly twisting to face me a little more to show our second child "and this is Alisa" before gently handing me the other child. A wolf with fox characteristics, shimmers of light glow from an onyx black and grey fur coat, a white tips shine from her tiny, wagging tail and her small, flicking, pointed ears. I look at both the pup and kit as the keep their eyes remaining closed and release small, quiet whimpers.

I gently snuggle up to my children before looking to Cloudy with love filling my eyes.

"They're beautiful" I say as I gently lean closer to Cloudy and hand her Alex

"they're perfect" she says as she holds the newborn gently against her chest. We both spend a good while holding and adoring our children for a good couple hours until late evening, I also struggle to keep myself from crying from the shear beauty of this moment.

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