Ma opened the door and I smiled at her, wondering if she'll remember me. I believe she did because she covered her mouth with her light skinned hand.

Ma: Honey, look whose here!

I smiled even bigger as she pulled me into a hug.

Ma: Kalani, look at you, even after two years you are still beautiful.

Me: Thank you and your still looking young.

Ma: Oh stop it, child. Come on in.

I nodded it and stepped into the beautiful home. I saw Pa coming down the steps slowly. Once he saw me he grinned which made me laugh.

Pa: Kalani, sweetie, give me some love.

I went up to Pa and engaged him into a hug.

Me: It's good to see you again.

Pa: You as well kiddo.

Ever since I knew them, ma has always called me sweetheart or honey while Pa always called me kiddo or kid. It never really switched up.

Ma: Kalani, would you like something to drink?

Me: Sure, anything you have if okay.

Ma: Babe, go get her something to drink.

Pa: You're the one who- yes dear.

I laughed at the older couple who was having a little bicker argument until ma shot pa a look and he quickly shut up and headed around the corner.

Ma: Kalani, come sit, child.

I did as told and sat next to ma who was just smiling at me.

Ma: Your still gorgeous. How do you do it?

Me: Me? For you to be in your sixties, you look amazing.

She did her little smile that said "your embarrassing me but go on."

Ma: Oh stop. So how did you know where we lived?

Me: Lucas actually, we were heading to Disneyland when I had asked about the two of you. He told me how you were and that I should go see you sometime and that you guys would love to see me.

Pa: Well he's not wrong about that. Here you go kiddo.

I thanked him while taking the pretty glass from his and taking a sip of the sweet tea.

Ma: Lucas is in town?

Me: Yeah, I don't know for exactly how long but yes, he is.

Ma: I'm gonna spank that boy.

I laughed.

Me: Why?

Pa: Lucas hasn't been here in months. Maybe four or five.

Me: Oh, wow I was not expecting that answer. I could probably get him here sometime before next week?

Ma: That would be great. Make sure you tell that boy he's got a spanking waiting for him.

I laughed and nodded.

Me: I will. So how have you guys been?

Pa: We're hanging in there, getting old though.

Ma: Speak for yourself, I'm still young.

She gave him that look that said "don't you say nothing else, agree with me." which made me laugh.

Pa: Yes you are dear.

I shook my head at them.

Me: You two are a mess, I love it.

They smiled at me.

Pa: So how have you been?

Me: Oh, I've been good. I have my own place, own car, I'm working and I'm going to school.

Ma: Awe that's good.

Pa: Where do you go to school?

Me: I'm out here at CalArts.

Ma: The performing arts school?

Me: That's the one. I'm a dancer, a modern and ballet combination.

Ma: That is great. Do you have any children?

Me: Oh no. No children and no boyfriend.

Pa: Well that's good. You get an education first because you make any babies, you understand kid?

Me: Yes sir, I do and I will.

Ma: I remember seeing Lucas when he was sad about leaving you, that broke my heart.

I glanced down at my lap for a few seconds before looking back at ma.

Me: Yeah, it broke mine too.

Pa: But we're glad the two of you kept communication between you two. Maybe you can get back together.

Communication? What communication? There was nothing between us for two years.

Me: Uh communication between us, yeah and maybe so.

Ma: You were the best thing that happened to him besides his career. You kept his head on straight. He would've been deeper out in these streets if it weren't for you.

Me: Well, I tried my best to keep him flying straight.

Pa: And we will forever be thankful for that and you.

I smiled at them both before looking down and nodding.

I wondered what they thought of Amber, if they even knew about here. I didn't want to mention her and they be like "who?". If Lucas told them that we still had communication between us and we didn't, who knows if he told them that he has a new girlfriend.

Fuck it, I'm just gonna ask them.

Me: Can I ask you guys something?

Ma: Anything sweetie, you know that.

Me: What do you guys think of Amber?

Pa: Oh Amber, well, she's a nice girl.

Ma: Indeed, she is a nice girl but I just don't see them lasting nearly as long as we can see you and Lucas lasting.

Me: You want Lucas and I back together?

Ma: Who doesn't? Even his mother and father want you two back together.

Me: Oh wow.

I glanced down at my watch and sighed; 12:30.

Me: I have to get going now, school awaits.

Ma: Of course, sweetie.

I downed the rest of the tea and pa took the glass from my hands before I asked where the kitchen was so I could wash the glass.

Ma: No need to wash it when the dish washer exists.

I huffed.

Me: But ma, you know I wanted to wash it.

She laughed and stood up.

Ma: I know, when do you not want to wash the dishes.

When Lucas and I were younger and still in a relationship, there was a time when he stayed with his grandparents so I would go over there or he'd come to my place sometimes. Usually when I stayed there, ma and pa told me not to do the dishes because they would get it in the morning, but usually when they went to bed, I would come out clean the entire kitchen.

I smiled sheepishly while shrugging.

Me: Well it was nice to see you guys again.

Pa: You as well kiddo.

I gave them hugs and kisses before getting into my car and driving twenty minutes away to school.

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Chapter 9

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