9: Battle Pt 1

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Antis POV

I watched all my friends get ready to fight my parents, my parents. I smiled when I thought of how much my friends loved me. They'd risk their lives for me, my parents would never do that.

3rd Person

Chase ran at Antis father, Alexander,  pulling out a gun and firing multiple shots, each one being dodged. Wilford did the same but at the mother, Sally. She quickly dodged them and ran towards the others. Thousands of pixels shot out but the egos were able to dodge them all. 

Summoning all the courage he had Anti ran out from behind the wall and ran at his father. He jumped on him and his father quickly threw him off. Dark formed a gun and managed to land one in Sally's shoulder earning a death stare and pixels shot at him. Goggle quickly got rid of the pixels and formed a shield around him and Dark, blocking the excess ones.

"Thanks googs!" Dark yelled before google ran off." Enough!" Everyone froze at Alex's voice." Let's make this interesting..." suddenly multiple minion appears and ran at the egos. Two pounced on top of Bing and pinned him to the floor." Get off me!" One punched Bungs nose making it bleed before Bim jumped them and sending them flying.

"You okay Bing?" He helped Bing up as he nodded." The doctor will see you now!" Schneep rushed over to Bing and examined his nose." Host warns Anti about an incoming wave of pixels." Anti quickly turned around and formed a shield silently thanking Host. Marvin struggled to keep away the many minions that were charging at him by the second. He turned around to see one aiming a big plasma blaster at him.

"Oh shit.." he covered his eyes as the blaster went off but never hit him. He opened his eyes and screamed when he saw chase standing in front of him." Chase!" Chase turned around and smiled before collapsing to the ground." I need a doctor!" Dr. Iplier quickly ran over and Marvin made a drive feild around them." He'll be okay right?" Dr. Iplier nodded as he tended to Chases wounds.

Wilford and Bim were back to back shooting Minions left and right." There's too many!" Wilford shouted almost getting hit in the head. Dark ducked avoided a pixelated knife that flew over his head." Take out their source!" All the egos nodded and charged at Alexander. Marvin and Bim JackiBoy-Man attacked first. Jackiboy managed to harm Alex's arm before being mocked down by minions. 

Wilford and Dark distracted Sally so she wouldn't be able to help her husband. To their dismay, Sally created a sword, a big one too. She swung it at them each time coming closer to hitting them. Google tried to make a firewall around Alexander's arms but failed having the firewall set right back at him. Google hit the ground hard, Schneep tried to go help him but was nocked away by a few minions. Chase woke  up but immediately got back down when a hammer flew over his head." I'm just gonna stay right here."

 Anti and Bim came from behind Alex and managed to knock him down.He fell to the ground shooting a beam of pixels out behind him that nearly hit Anti. Bim pinned down his arms while Anti tried to bind them together. Dark and Wilford were running out of stamina to keep dodging the sword and at one point Wilford fell down scrambling to not get hit.

"Where's Bing?" Wilford asked as he crawled over to Google. Googles eyes widened as he looked around and saw no Bing. Sally also stopped and looked around. Bing then emerged from the shadows and ran at Sally." Sally look out!" Alex yelled from the ground. Sally created a knife and turned around just in time to stab Bing in the chest. Bings eyes widened as he looked down to see the knife stuck in his chest. Sally smirked and twisted it before yanking it out.

Bings eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground. Everyone was silent as they stood still not believing what had happened. But no one, was more shocked than Google. Google wasn't one to show emotion, but he felt the warm tears streaming down his face as he crawled over to bings limp body. He checked for a pulse but found none. He had finally had enough and yelled," BING!!"

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