Chapter 9

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warning: angst, sad moment, major fluff

Loki sat glaring at the woman across the table. She looked just as enraged. The lawyer sat very uncomfortably as they had a war with their eyes. He cleared his throat "how about we get started? you called me here but didn't tell me why" he turned to Ms. (L/N) he was ignored.

"How long were you and (y/n) been together?" she asked

" I don't know time is different in space. May have been a year or so on earth but out there it was a years decades almost." Loki's glared soften as he spoke so did Ms. (L/N)'s.

"Did she ever get hurt?" Loki didn't respond instead he looked out the window of the little café they chose to meet at. Judging by his reaction Ms. (l/n) already had an answer but for some reason, she needed more than his reaction.

"Did she get hurt?" she asked again more sternly.

"Yes, her foster parents-"

"No, I'm not talking about with them I'm talking about with you. Did she get hurt with you?"

"yes," he said softly tears gathering in both their eyes " remember when New York was invaded by aliens. I was the one that started that and ... I started it for her. I made a deal, earth for (y/n). I never gave earth so I never got (y/n) back thought she died."

"Then how?"

"she's a smart girl she found me. It was a few weeks ago actually" Loki chuckled remembering their eventful reunion. Ms. (l/n) didn't find it funny.

"SO the time in between New York 's attack and a few weeks ago she's been all by herself... in space" she was angry she was furious her inner momma bear was clawing to get out.

"she was safe"

"how do you know"

"I just did"

"HOW" she screamed banging on the table drawing all the attention to her the café fell in silences for a moment before picking back up.

"Magic," Loki said "Love. I always knew where she was but never got there in time to see her. I knew she was safe and I knew when she wasn't, which was very rare. I love your daughter like she is my own."

Ms. (L/N) sighed " You've got kids?"

"A few. But we're getting off topic. Why are we here, Why bring the lawyer?" They were finally getting down to business. The lawyer thought they forgot he was there, he was going to sneak out not anymore.

"I want to make a deal"

The TV was playing but no one was watching all the Avengers were on edge. Ms. (l/n) was coming (y/n) today she was going to take her away today and none of them could stop her. All they could do was sit in misery and wait for her to come and take (y/n) away.

" Thor" (y/n) said tiptoeing into the living room "where's Loki?"

"he stepped out for a moment sweetheart. Can we help you with something?"

"No ... I just wanted to see him"

"come here" Thor motioned her over she got on the couch between Thor and Bucky.

"what's wrong kid?" Bucky asked.

For a 10-year-old (y/n) seemed very distressed like the world was on her shoulder like she had a big decision to make that would affect the whole world. In reality, this kind of was the problem but she wasn't making the decision. The Avengers feared that if (y/n) left Loki he would do something dreadful. Thor fears his brother would once again fall into darkest and no one would be able to return him.

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