25. The Black Cat Coming (Poem)

Start from the beginning

"Just as I thought all hope was lost

A jet-black figure came through the frost.

My cat had returned! What a glorious night!

Milk by the oven! Food by the light!

"The cat never left save to hunt in the fields,

Which was pointless, by the way, since I made his meals.

I left my job and gave up drugs and smoking

And I focused my mind 'til at last I was thinking.

"I changed my job, I changed my life,

I met a girl who will soon be my wife,

Yet since I started to get back on track

The presence is waning of my black cat.

"The last I saw him was two weeks ago

And I'm frightened to death lest it becomes four.

What would I do if he never returned?

My best friend ever and he leaves me spurned!

"My life has moved on, this much is true,

I'm happy and glad and so much improved.

Now answer me, Professor- what's happened to my cat?

Will I see him again? Will he ever some back?"

(The man on the couch has finished his tale)

"An excellent story, with excellent detail.

You may be surprised but I hear this a lot-

This black cat coming and shooting soon off.

"I have a theory and I'll explain why,

Why this cat turned up and then left your life.

It's all supposition, I can't say for sure,

But I'm fairly convinced this fits the allure.

"You were- forgive me- quite a selfish man.

You admitted yourself the lifestyle you ran-

Destructive; lonely; pointless; bleak-

You cared for yourself and you hated the weak.

"Then the cat comes along and you feel the need

To look after it well, to love and to feed.

When you regressed to your former selfish ways

The cat disappeared as its care you allayed.

"Then you realise you love this cat

And surprise, surprise! It comes right back.

You care for it and it awakens in you

A desire to change, to be good, to be new.

"You get on your feet and the cat fades out

But this time it's good as you're strong and stout.

It made you care beyond Number One

And gradually it leaves when its job is done."

(The man on the couch is astounded, to say the least)

"I can't believe I was tamed by the beast!

I'll forever be indebted to its power, I'll bet,

But tell me, Doc, what kind of cat is it?"

(The man glanced at the Doc and the Doctor said):

"You decide that, but be it on your head!

All I know is that this cat changes lives-

It works just like we said, never in disguise.

"It may just be a cat, it could be an angel,

We'll never know but we should be grateful

That it turns up then leaves when it's done its will-

That's your hour up... now, where do I send the bill?"

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