"Pardon me." Jonathan said, interrupting me from my thoughts. Funny, I completely forgotten he was there. I got to keep my guard up when dealing with vampires, I won't make the same mistake twice!

I cleared my throat. "Yes?"

"We should be going, it'll be dark soon and these woods are not safe." He held out a hand to me. I stared at it. Should I take it? Trusting vampires is the last thing I would ever do.

"We?" I asked, ignoring his hand.

"Yes, you shall accompany me to homeland," He gazed straight into my eyes as he told me this. "There you shall stay by my side and be my wife."

I’m sorry, he said WHAT?

I gaped at him. I could literally feel my eyes bulging from my skull. Was he serious? Did he really think I would just pack up my stuff and ship off to his country? This day was becoming more and more bizarre.

I glanced up and analyzed his handsome scarred face, before answering. "I don’t think so."

His gaze hardened. "It is not a choice." He took a firmed grip of my hand and pulled me to his sculptured chest. Even beneath the soft fabric of his shirt, I could still feel his hard muscles. They rippled as he spoke "You will remain at my side where I can keep you safe and you will bear my children."

My first thought was vampires could have children? A scowl formed on my face. Molly didn’t tell me anything about this travesty. Well thankfully, she’s no longer my problem. My second thought was Hell No! Chills ran down my back. "What?" I whispered. The very thought of me submitting to his will drove me to the brink of insanity. That white hot burning sensation ran through my veins. No way in hell will I ever submit to a vampire! Adrenaline fueled my rage. "I will bear no children for a parasite!" I hissed at him. There was no way I would ever have sex with this bastard. I hated children! I can barely stand Whisper!

"I have finally found a woman worthy enough to have my heir, do you honestly think I’ll let you go so easily?" He narrowed his eyes. He didn’t seemed fazed at all.

I stop struggling. "Your heir? Are you part of royalty?"

He nodded. "I am Jonathan Magnus Azariel. King to the Cavorth Empire."

I stiffened. Old memories resurfaced and I had to face the main cause. "Jonathan Azariel? You wouldn’t happened to know a person named Jules, would you?"

He gazed at me in confusion. "You knew my father?"

I avoided his gaze and shut my eyes tightly. Holy crap! The first vampire I ever killed and tortured was his father! My legs suddenly felt weak and I would have fallen if he had not gathered my limp body to his chest. "What’s wrong?" He asked, concern for me etched in his voice. I shook my head, refusing to answer him. I had killed his father. What would he do to me once he found out? Oh merciful heavens I didn’t want to know!

"It’s nothing!" I replied quickly. I was really desperate to change the subject. I cleared my throat, remembering the previous conversion we had. "Why is it that you chosen me?"

He furrowed his brows. "Why?" He acted as if the answer was quite obvious. Yes! Why?Why did you choose me? Out of all the misfortunate girls, why did you have to choose me?

"Yes! Why me?"

His eyes softened " Because, I love you." He whispered. And he meant it too. I saw that.

I stared at him; the words had caught me off guard. Why did he keep saying that? "But that doesn’t mean I love you."

Hurt flashed through his eyes and a bit of something else I couldn’t read. I tried pulling away from him but he held me tighter. I sighed. There was no escaping him, was there? Jonathan slightly pulled away, only to inch his face closer to mine. Oh God! He’s going to kiss me! The fact made my heart pound faster. I flinched back, avoiding the closeness of his lips.

He place his head over mine, tucking my head under his chin. "Listen to your little heart fly." He mummered, rubbing his face in my hair. Blood rushed to my cheeks and heated my face. He knew how he was affecting me.

"Jonathan," I whispered, releasing myself from him. "please I need to go."

"Wait! At least tell me your name." He pleaded.

I blinked, surprised. Never in my life have I ever heard a vampire beg for something. And for something as silly as a name. A part of me is saying this isn’t a good idea, while the other part is screaming go for it. Well, why not? What’s the worst thing that could happen? Ithought to myself.

My eyes shifted away from his and I offered him a small smile. "It’s Monica."

"Monica wait!" His voice sounded urgent. "One more thing."

I paused and turned around. "What is it?

"By any chance, have you happened to come across a wolf?" His eyes didn’t meet mine. I sense the feeling that he was ashamed in some way. In a way I suddenly knew he was responsible of the big wolf that was roaming around the woods. Just looking at him, he just oozed in guilt. Anger pumped through my veins, wrapping itself around me, common sense was the only thing that kept me from punching this idiot in the face. How can he be so irresponsible!

I could barely contain the anger in my voice. " Um no, why?"

He let out a quiet breath of...relief? Was he relieved that I had not seen it or was he relieved that he didn’t have to explain his situation? Either way, he was still in deep shit with me. He glanced at me and smiled, slowly melting my insides. "It is nothing."

"Well if that’s all I’ll be going now." I nodded at him and headed to the place that I called Hell.

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