chapter 2:meating them

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After writing my quote on the wall I run out of my house. That was fun. I thought to myself. Well now I gotta find a place to stay. I run to an abandoned warehouse and walk in.  As you walk in you get the feeling that you are being watched. You pretend not to notice the sound of extra leaves cracking as you explore the warehouse. "Hello there princess~, why are you out here all alone?" He said. You could tell it was a he from the way his voice sounded. You decided to play with him a bit so you put on a fake stutter and acted scared. " h-hello?! Who's t-there?!" You ask sound legitimately scared. " no need to worry princess~ you just need to.....GO.TO.SLEEP!!!" He says while lunging at you. You sit there looking board, and use you telekinetic ability to suspend him in the air. "What do you want you fucking weakling?" You ask harshly. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He just screams. Well he sure does have a girly scream. I mean I scream with more masculinity then him..... damn. You think to yourself " well snowflake I gotta get going before I get caught. Bya sno-" you get cut off cause you got hit in the head with a large branch.

                  ~●??? P.O.V●?
I was in the middle of finishing my level when I hear Jeffs scream. " Damn it! Jeff I'm coming. " I say while teleporting to where jeff is, only to see him floating in the air. I see a girl soaked in blood that seams to be holding him there. I grab a large stick and hit her on the " ahhh! Ow....." jeff says while laying on the ground. "Damn it jeff why did you scream like that??" I ask " well Ben I was being telekinetically held in the air by a random girl that I was planing on kil-" He passed out. 'I wonder why?' I think.

Hi guys I hope you like da chapter. Idk if ben can teleport but he can in this story. BTW I'm changing thoughts from this to 'this'.

words: 377

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