Back to hell

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September 15 the first day of my 9th year.

Jossey's pov-

I have to go back to my school today it's the first day and I am not looking forward to it. I have to see the girls from last year again and my ex. I  decided on my BMTH sweat shirt and my Black Veil Brides accessories plus my spiked leather jacket. I swooped my fringed black and blue hair over and did my dark makeup, I hated my honey and light brown eyes so I put in my Teal eye contacts. I was ready to go. I grabbed leather gloves and my ipod and blasted My Chemical Romances song I'm not okay and set off for the bus, luckily my dad was asleep.... or so I thought..... I went down the stairs and was about to open the door and grab my bad when my dad put is arm in front of me, the strong smell of vodka coming off his clothing. I closed my eyes in terror as I felt his fist collide with my cheek. I shoved him away as I held my cheek and ran out the door. I out my hood up as I felt the bruise already forming on my face. The bus stopped and I climbed aboard, as I took my seat I heard the snickers of Emo slut and whore. I blasted My music and grabbed my concealer, I applied it to my cheek. Thank God that covers the bruise. I already wanted to run to my secret place and just read all day but of course I can't skip school even though I know what lies ahead of me.

We arrived at school and my ex was there smirking as he looked me up and down, I have a flash back of that day two years ago and I finally am pulled out of my trance when my so called best friend screams JO JO, oh God she knows I hate that I rolled my eyes as I apply a smile and reply "over hear Erin!" She starts telling me about her father's yatch and her  mansion, can't she just shut up I already know how perfect her life is. Finally the bell rings and I hurry off the my fist period with the bitch.... Mrs. Ruiz the one who wouldn't listen to a student to save her life. As I enter class I am greeted with Laughing and smirks, I quickly find my seat and put my head down. Class starts and I find myself starring at the clock or drawing in my journal. It's 3 minutes til the end of class and I quickly get ready to go so I don't get pushed down in the halls as much and can get to class on time. I hear the bell ring and practically run out of class, I thought I was gonna make it when I all of a sudden feel someone's foot in front of mine and my face collide with the floor, I hear someone yell "haha the worthless slut is still clumsy I see......Why can't this day just end already. Its lunch time and I hate this time of day. I have to eat and I really don't want to. I go to lunch sit it the fact  back corner and get in line. I am given the burger with a fruit salad on the side with one of the soggy greasy buns, I grab a juice and I hurriedly go to my seat as I hear the words Fatass and feel the apples thrown at me. I force myself to eat, and afterwards I make sure no one is in the bathroom as I lunge my fingers down my throat to release the pain I just put myself through. I can not wait til P.E. I can run off the extra calories. It's the end of the day 8th period P.E. I grab my water and I put my thin short sleeves on along with my sweatband on my forehead. I wipe my hair up in a pony tail and Take 3 runs around the track, everyone laughs and points. I do my pushups I do 40 instead of 20 and do 80 curl ups instead of 50. Finally class ends and I get dressed in the bathrooms so no one sees my scars and cuts. I grab my bag and leave for the bus....... I can't wait to get home and use my blade..... I need it right now..... I got home and my mother was passed out on the couch my dad was no where in site. I partly ran up the stairs and slammed the bathroom door, I locked it and I grabbed my razor, 1 for being worthless 2 for your weight 3 for your parents 4 for no one loves you 5 for being raped 6 for being you. I soon lost count and hopped in the shower it stung but it felt good I needed it I really did. I got dressed and Locked my bedroom door I passed out and woke up to yelling. She quickly covered herself in blankets and pillows as her dad broke into her room and he immediately thought she wasn't home..... he left yelling for more whisky. Jossey woke up and hour later and got ready for school at 2 am. no one was awake so she was safe and getting her leather biker boots on while wearing Axenged Sevenfold thin sleeved shirt. She did her raccoon style eyeliner and climbed out the window and jumped off the roof. She was going to walk through town and to school. She was going to be safe for one morning.

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