Part 22

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As Gear had perdicted. They came back. Elijah was out of sights as usual, he probably didn't want to have to deal with out bullshit anymore. I opened up the group chat we had created.     "Gearr, u awake? o~o"                                                                                                                                                "I'm afraid I am awake at the moment." his reply came quicker than ususal.                                          "I don't know how to handle this baby! U guys have any idea on what to do??" Kyera's text came soon afterwards.                                                                                                                                                                  "Awww, Kyera, can't you feel the love that the baby is giving you?" Gear responded                              "Shut up! U probably can't express the love for ur baby, can u?" I felt a laugh build up inside of me. This was so much fun! I looked down at the baby. She was playing with a piece of dirt she had found on her arm. I felt bad for not giving her the right attention.                                                   "Look, I feel like they need a bath, what do u guys think about it? >o<"                                                       "Brilliant idea! Do u think they can survive the water though??" Kyera's answer had me thinking. "Can they? Gear, what's ur opinion?" I didn't use one of my faces this time, I think Gear was thankful for that.                                                                                                                                                                    "Ehh... Well, research in the library??" I could hear the confusion from here and chuckled.                "Yea! Bring the baby with u! How many looks will u get from the rest of the people sitting there studying? xD" I cracked a smile when I saw that he was typing.                                                                        "Ehhh.. Good point! Can Fox stay with one of you?" I thought about it. Since me and Kyera were in the same dorm room we could technically do that...                                                                                        "I don't mind, how about u Ash?" I shrugged.                                                                                                           "Sure, y not, I think they will have more fun than being alone at least >-<"                                                "Got it! I'll swing past ye guys with Fox and then I'll be on my way!"

Gear came by pretty quickly and left Fox with us. I looked at them as they were playing with pieces of dust and on the carpet. I felt happy for some reason. This felt like I was an actual parent. Even though I knew it wasn't true, I mean, I can't get pregnat. I think. I don't know anymore, here everything seems to be possible. Kyera was reading a book to them and I stood up to walk up to my room before I got distracted by the bell. Me and Kyera eyed eachother before she said "I'll stay in touch, I can handle more things at the same time, go to class and keep Gear company, I think he needs it!" she smiled and I nodded before walking out. This was something different than before. I thought to myself as I walked down the red carpet and around the school to get to the first class. If this was just a horribly realistic dream I would have thought that this was something out of my imagination. Mabye it was. Mabye it was Saturday today and we didn't have school and I was walking to class when we didn't have any? Who knew, who knew.

After class I sat down at an empty table, writing down all of the features about the babies. Dante was standing right infront of me "hey, idiot, what are you writing?" he spat. I looked up and said "none of your buisness." before continuing. He grabbed my hair and lifted me up. The pain that went through my scalp was undescribable. I tried to grab after him to get down but he kept on holding me in the air. "Scream, bitch, nobody will hear you." I felt something poke my stomach and then looked at Dante's face. Blood was running out of his mouth as he dropped me. There was a hand that had penetrated right through his stomach. Gear whispered in his ear "I thought I was being very clear to you. Don't touch Ashley or I will rip your insides out." Dante was clutching his stomach but Gear held his firm grip. "Do you understand that I can harm you more than this?" he asked in a monotone voice, I guessed it was an aptempt to scare him. And it seemed to work. I was thankful for Gear being there and protecting me. "Are you going to hurt Ashley again?" he asked. No answer. Gear twisted his own arm a bit inside of Dante "I will ask again. Are you going to hurt Ashley again?" Still no response. Gear ripped out and kicked him away. He licked away a bit of blood on his hand before giving it to me and said "taste it. Tell me if it's worth eating." I stuck out my tounge and licked away some of the blood on his hand. I scrunched up my face and shook my head. Gear nodded and wiped away the blood on his shirt before walking up to Dante and put his foot on his head. "I hope that you understand that next time I won't hesitate to kill you." He nodded slightly before he got kicked away. Gear put his hands in his pockets and walked up to me and grabbed my hand. I let him take it freely and I smiled. "I love you Gear." I said softly. He kissed my head and murmured "I love you too, Ashley"

Angelwood Academyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن