"He already did. Broke my goddamn nose", Klaw grumbled, pointing at his bent nose.

"How long was I out for?", I asked aloud.

"2 days", Erik answered.

"Shot wasn't that bad", I mumbled. It was true though. I could hardly feel anything in my arm right now.

"You're only saying that cuz we gave you an ass load of morphine and you can't feel anything", Erik smirked. "Wait 'till you get a look at it."

I sighed, knowing it was going to look like a pigs anus.

"Another tattoo, it is", I mumbled. I currently had 3 tattoos, excluding the small ones on my fingers and hands, to cover up my worst scars. I couldn't stand the sight of the wrinkled and ugly skin.

Slowly, I began to peel off the bandage, wincing as it tug on the raw, sensitive skin. I cringed at the sight of the stitched hole. After taking a good look, I realised it looked more like Yoda than a pigs anus.

"Look, Tala. I just think I should apologise for what I did. I shouldn't have left you on your own, completely vulnerable and defenceless."

I rolled my eyes and bit my tongue. Even when he's apologising, he still manages to piss me off. I began to feel my powers getting fueled by my anger.

"Maybe I should hold your hand next time."

I curled my hand in to a tight fist and turned around to throw a punch, satisfied when it collided with his nose. Klaw's head flew to the side before he fell on to the ground.

"Damn Tala. You K.O'd the man", Erik stated, bursting out laughing.

"Son of a bitch needed a time out", I said, shaking out the cramp in my hand. He wasn't out for long as he began to stir awake, lifting his head off of the ground and looking at me with hazy eyes. Blood dripped from his nostrils and down his chin in a steady flow.

I put my hands on my knees and leaned down to look him in the eyes.

"Need me to hold your hand, asshole?"

Klaw groaned and let his head fall back onto the ground, falling unconscious once again.

We both walked up to his head and stared down at him. I snorted at the sight, deciding that I quite liked Klaw when he wasn't awake.

"Look at his nose", I said, pointing at it. "I think I've straightened it."

"You should charge him for that. He might pay you for it", Erik laughed, walking away.

"Or he could just do me a favour instead and fuck off for a while", I grinned.

I spent the next 10 minutes re-bandaging my wound before sitting down in front of the TV. I switched it on and lay back, feeling quite exhausted. Erik joined me, apparently having nothing better to do.

"Today marks two days since the bombing incident in which many civilians, including 11 Wakandan aid workers, were tragically killed. Known terrorist, Brock Rumlow, is reported to have also died at the scene, after being pursued by America's own superheroes, the Avengers. Wanda Maximoff, the Avenger more commonly known as the Scarlet Witch, was recorded on tape throwing a bomb set off by Rumlow towards a building and leading to many casualties..."

"Rumlow died?", I asked, looking at Erik as he nodded.

"Wanted to take Captain America with him but son of a bitch is still runnin' around", he told
me. "Couldn't give a damn, though. He used to be Hydra, meaning nothing good could've ever come from that man."

I found myself disagreeing with Erik's words, beginning to feel a bit defensive.

"I don't think so", I stated, surprising myself with the certainty in my voice. Erik looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"He stole the shield for me", I told him, beginning to remember it. His expression changed to an extremely confused one at that.

"When we were meant to split after I handed Rumlow the biological weapon, he came back into the building. Had the Captain at his feet and I didn't even lay a finger on him. Rumlow just handed it to me and all I had to do was run."

I found myself feeling some sort of grief for the man. I don't think anyone was going to be missing him or mourning his loss of life, making me feel obligated to do so instead. For the amount of time I knew him for, he'd been a decent character.

"I...didn't know that", Erik mumbled, looking me in the eyes. I smiled at him sadly and he returned it by leaning in to wrap his arms around me and pull me into a hug. I lay my head on his chest, closing my eyes and focusing on only his heart beat. My mind began to wander back to when we were younger, and how me and Erik often had moments such as these whenever the other was feeling upset, hurt or just lonely.

"I forgot to say thanks for saving me the other day", I said, only just realising.

"You don't gotta thank me, T. I'm your brother. I always got your back, just like you got mine", he said. I smiled, agreeing with him.

"I love you Erik. Don't forgot that", I murmured. I knew he heard me when he chuckled lightly.

"Love you too, T", he said, laying his chin on my head. The news continued to play in the background, and I continued to ignore it until a certain name caught my attention.

"...where the King T'Chaka of Wakanda will also be present for the signing of the historical Sokovian Accords..."

I sat up quickly, turning the volume up higher.

"Sources confirm that the king will be accompanied by his son and heir, Prince T'Challa, to represent their country at the signing of the Sokovia Accords..."

I blinked, not quite believing what the news reports were saying. I turned my head to look at Erik, saying what I know he was also thinking.

"We finally have our chance."


Next chapter's gonna be exciting y'all! Just saying B)

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