Chapter 2

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The carriage rattled violently as I sat on the subway. I had my head leaning against the cool glass behind me, my round sunglasses on and my earphones plugged into my ears.

Tupac is what I needed right now, I thought, focusing in on his words and closing my eyes.

Hell, Tupac is what everyone needs. Ain't no doubt about that.

I'd kept the volume on only loud enough so I could still hear my surroundings. My paranoia always got the best of me in public places.

"Get a look at this chick, man", I heard someone say.

"Damn, those legs tho."

I opening up one of my eyes, looking straight at my brother with a pointed eyebrow. He met my gaze immediately, and began walking towards me.

"Problem, fellas?", Erik asked calmly, glaring down at each of the four men sat across from me.

None of them replied, immediately getting up from where they sat and walked down and into the next carriage.

Satisfied, Erik sat down next to me. I readjusted myself so my head lay on his shoulder, grabbing one of his hands in mine and zoning out once again.

It wasn't long until we reached our stop and we began making our way off of the subway.

"Can we get a McDonald's?", I asked Erik, pulling my earphones out and stashing them into my pockets. I took out my favourite coin, flipping it in my hands.

"McDonald's?", Erik repeated, huffing at me. I narrowed my eyes at him in question.

"Why can't we get a pizza instead?", he suggested.

"Because, Erik", I began. "The only pizza you let us buy is the one with pineapples on it. And excuse my honesty, but that isn't even pizza. It's a fruit salad on friggin' bread."

"Oi!", he yelled. "Take that back, Tala."

"I will. As soon you buy me a McDonald's", I said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Fine. We'll get McDonald's", he replied.

"They have toys anyways", he mumbled, clearly not wanting for me to have heard it. My mouth dropped open in shock, and I turned to face him.

"What", I began, interrupted by my own laughter. "What did you just say?"

I watched Erik turn red from embarrassment, and I burst into a fit of laughter.

Trust me when I say I won't be letting him hear the end of this.

It took me a few more minutes to calm down as we finally made it out on to the streets. I inhaled the air of Oakland, California. We were home.

"Any change, little lady?"

I spun around to see an old men looking straight at me, his trembling hands holding out a polystyrene cup, the few coins he had, rattling against each other.

"Of course", I replied, putting my hand into my pocket and handing him all the cash I had, which wasn't much. I left 10 dollars out, wanting to get the man some food as well.

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